Describing Aries Risings Through the Houses

♈︎ 1H: For Aries Risings, they would like to express themselves in a way that is direct and clear. They tend to not let people tell them who they are, so they can come off as people who are independent. However, they can be abrasive, and it can be hard for them to fit in.

♉︎ 2H: Instant, intense, but quickly dying strength isn't something that Aries Risings value. What Aries Risings really value though is continued and unwavering strength over time since that's harder for them. They also strive for their finances to stay consistent over time.

♊︎ 3H: When it came to culture and early schooling, Aries Risings were curious and open-minded. They tend to know their neighbors, classmates, and early norms well. They craved to learn, and they may have been dissatisfied with how ordinary and boring people were early on.

♋︎ 4H: Aries Risings take their families seriously, regardless if they liked their families or not. Their families wanted to be their safe space, and due to this, they can either love their families for investing in their safety or resent them for not letting them venture out.

♌︎ 5H: Aries Risings try their best to be charismatic on a first date. They reveal their best, yet genuine selves on dates. They really enjoy their hobbies, looking for hobbies that are a reflection of them. However, they can be quite sensitive to criticisms of what they enjoy.

♍︎ 6H: Aries Risings value optimization and practicality when it comes to their lifestyle. If they want to live a straightforward life, they need to have a lifestyle that can help them achieve that! They like to make sure all details of their lives are known and utilized.

♎︎ 7H: Aries Risings are attracted to people who are effortlessly likable since that is a quality they don't often work on. They look for equality and fairness, seeking out partners with strong social skills. They don't like people who use likability to manipulate unfairly.

♏︎ 8H: Aries Risings don't reveal the power struggles they've been through, knowing that people can use that information against them. Their goal is to not show themselves in weakness, which can make them quite secretive when it comes to legal matters, debt, and death.

♐︎ 9H: Aries Risings evaluate beliefs, religions, and philosophies based on how much freedom they are given. They tend to dislike restrictive and dogmatic beliefs that don't give a complete view of the world. However, they can be quite passionately stubborn with their beliefs.

♑︎ 10H: Aries Risings seek a career where they'll be respected and treated as an authority. They go for positions where they don't have to rely on others. For reputation, they are seen as responsible and mature. However, they're seen as intimidating before the first meeting.

♒︎ 11H: Due to their independence and abrasive authenticity, Aries Risings don't feel like they strongly belong to a single friend group even though they can belong in multiple groups at the same time. While they can feel lonely, they also make sure not to conform to any group.

♓︎ 12H: With how independent Aries Risings are, they can struggle to realize their own ability to understand and connect with others. They struggle with the feeling of radically understanding someone and knowing when to shed or to keep boundaries in complicated situations.