Trines and Jupiter: Ignorant Bliss

According to the Thema Mundi, trines are in the nature of Jupiter. Jupiter in our chart shows what parts of our lives come easily to us, and the positive opportunities we can take to grow. However, Jupiter can also show what we’ve taken for granted, and due to that, Jupiter can also show our ignorance of the important details that demand to be seen.

At its worst, Jupiter and trines in our chart can show where we are in ignorant bliss, which is the cost of being blessed. Often, when we are easily blessed with certain qualities, it’s hard for us to see the difficulties someone else may have.

For example, this can manifest as people creating certain assumptions about the human condition, only to realize that the human condition and struggle is truly unique to everyone. Someone with their Sun trine to Mars would say that their actions do align with their identity, so therefore, your actions guide who you are. That’s not true for those who have their Sun square to Mars, who feel that their actions trivialize the depth of their identity.

To see where you can be blissfully ignorant, look to the house Jupiter is in your chart and see which planets in your chart have a trine aspect. What is something you take for granted, and how does that shape the way you evaluate other people’s experiences?

Note: If you notice that you're ignorant in certain aspects, you're not a bad person. At all. Everyone is ignorant to some degree because none of us know everything! Ignorance is also a quality of the human condition.

Tough Love for the Rising Signs

♈︎: Is impulsivity a sign of freedom, or is it just another prison you refuse to admit you're in? Is it worth it to go out there to prove who you are when no battle will ever be enough? Stop fighting to survive a single moment. Invest in yourself so you can last an eternity.

♉︎: Do you fear moments that call you to be flexible and adaptable because you see it as a chance for failure? There's a difference between stability and continuity. Stability will always eventually fall, but continuity accepts failure and actually stands the test of time.

♊︎: Knowledge isn't everything. Knowledge is not the only thing you need, and most importantly of all, knowledge will not prepare you for the true test: navigating through nuance, and people are full of it. Be brave enough to understand others without your preconceptions.

♋︎: What does it feel like to live with the constant debate between being honest and provocative, versus soft and comfortable? You want the benefits of both, yet you think you can't have everything. But the thing is, you can. In fact, you already do. Stay enigmatic.

♌︎: Isn't it tiring to prove to people that you have a sense of self, or do you do all of this because you're trying to prove to yourself? If you want to believe yourself, visualize a future self that's thriving. Your identity will cement into something even you can believe in.

♍︎: You are not an organized, practical vessel whose only purpose is to be useful. You're human, and humans have the ability to hold power while vessels don't. Stop treating yourself as a vessel and admit that you're smart, intelligent, and you're mature. You've gone so far.

♎︎: Why do you invest so much time into ethics, people, and justice when you have forgotten how to feel comfortable within yourself? Nobody has the ability to make you embrace yourself. Instead of focusing on the power of others, focus on your own. It'll keep you accountable.

♏︎: Shame is one of the strongest filters in life. It polarizes nuance, and it makes the shameless look like an abomination. You can judge from afar, but do such judgments make you happy, or does it make you remember that you're scared? Be shameless. You've always wanted to.

♐︎: There is a difference between going through something quickly with no reflection and processing through every painful detail of a situation you feared. If you truly want to say that you've experienced everything, slow down and feel every little sensation instead of running.

♑︎: Can power and respect really give you everything? Is success really measured by how much you struggle and achieve alone? Nobody deserves to be lonely, especially you. Investing in intimate relationships and having a strong support system is the true success here.

♒︎: The biggest enemy of continuity is getting intimate with the dark and ugly details that hold you back. You've always wanted to look forward, but sometimes, bravely equipping yourself with painful knowledge is the only way to create a vision worth going for. Don't detach.

♓︎: It is not wrong or limiting to find a sense of grounding, whether it be through knowledge or comfort. While the human condition includes nuance, feeling present is required. Be brave enough to not only feel present in yourself but to cement the feeling with learning.

Scorpio: A Place of Connected Vulnerability and Empowerment

The house that is ruled by Scorpio is often the area of life that we choose to be more private about to empower ourselves by ourselves. However, letting go of control and believing in our own strength and those around us can often bring the empowerment we've always wanted.

♈︎: You often hide your losses, grief, and who you are during your toughest times. You often don't want to reveal what you're exactly ashamed of due to vulnerability, yet you find the most empowerment when you embrace, process, and accept your inner shame.

♉︎: You often keep your relationship dynamics private, mainly because you open up most vulnerably in your important relationships. You fear the vulnerability that comes with trusting others, yet you are the strongest when you admit that you need to rely on others.

♊︎: You often don't disclose your intimate lifestyle to others, for you feel most empowered when you are in control of the mundane aspects of your life. However, you can gain the most powerful and adaptable autonomy when you choose to co-exist with others.

♋︎: You feel that revealing to others your favorite activities and what makes you happy is unnerving. You like to control what brings you joy, yet you can bring the greatest joy when you can intimately enjoy your existence with someone who cares about you.

♌︎: You often don't disclose your family and past to others, since you want people to see who you are now, rather than who you were in the past. However, accepting your past mistakes and how your family has affected you can create the most powerful present self.

♍︎: You often don't share details about your culture or your thoughts, for you feel like your thoughts can be too provocative and volatile for others. However, embracing the power of where you came from can create the adaptable practicality you've always sought for.

♎︎: You often don't disclose details about your finances, for you feel like it may expose your social power in a way you aren't prepared for. However, being more open about what you have and lack can bring the social transparency and sincerity you often want to express.

♏︎: You don't reveal many details about yourself because you like to control how you express yourself and how others see you. However, accepting that you can't completely control the way you express yourself and are perceived gives you the self-control you've always wanted.

♐︎: You don't reveal to others the parts of yourself that are not yet explored. A part of you fears that you will not be taken seriously if your perceived worst side comes out of nowhere. Accepting that there is a darker side of you at all brings comforting liberation to you.

♑︎: You tend to not talk to others about your friendships and your group relationships, mainly because you cherish how your best friends value and affirm your power. They see you at your best. However, choosing to be more open with making friends can help you gain more respect.

♒︎: You don't talk about your career, mainly because you like to handle your path alone. You think that you are at your most powerful when you can figure out the truth yourself, but sometimes, having others share their own truth with you can be just as enlightening.

♓︎: You don't share your beliefs because you think that others will struggle to accept them. You think that being suspicious and skeptical can help you unpack nuance, but exercising rebellious optimism instead will not only unpack nuance better but will also show true bravery.

Describing Aries Risings Through the Houses

♈︎ 1H: For Aries Risings, they would like to express themselves in a way that is direct and clear. They tend to not let people tell them who they are, so they can come off as people who are independent. However, they can be abrasive, and it can be hard for them to fit in.

♉︎ 2H: Instant, intense, but quickly dying strength isn't something that Aries Risings value. What Aries Risings really value though is continued and unwavering strength over time since that's harder for them. They also strive for their finances to stay consistent over time.

♊︎ 3H: When it came to culture and early schooling, Aries Risings were curious and open-minded. They tend to know their neighbors, classmates, and early norms well. They craved to learn, and they may have been dissatisfied with how ordinary and boring people were early on.

♋︎ 4H: Aries Risings take their families seriously, regardless if they liked their families or not. Their families wanted to be their safe space, and due to this, they can either love their families for investing in their safety or resent them for not letting them venture out.

♌︎ 5H: Aries Risings try their best to be charismatic on a first date. They reveal their best, yet genuine selves on dates. They really enjoy their hobbies, looking for hobbies that are a reflection of them. However, they can be quite sensitive to criticisms of what they enjoy.

♍︎ 6H: Aries Risings value optimization and practicality when it comes to their lifestyle. If they want to live a straightforward life, they need to have a lifestyle that can help them achieve that! They like to make sure all details of their lives are known and utilized.

♎︎ 7H: Aries Risings are attracted to people who are effortlessly likable since that is a quality they don't often work on. They look for equality and fairness, seeking out partners with strong social skills. They don't like people who use likability to manipulate unfairly.

♏︎ 8H: Aries Risings don't reveal the power struggles they've been through, knowing that people can use that information against them. Their goal is to not show themselves in weakness, which can make them quite secretive when it comes to legal matters, debt, and death.

♐︎ 9H: Aries Risings evaluate beliefs, religions, and philosophies based on how much freedom they are given. They tend to dislike restrictive and dogmatic beliefs that don't give a complete view of the world. However, they can be quite passionately stubborn with their beliefs.

♑︎ 10H: Aries Risings seek a career where they'll be respected and treated as an authority. They go for positions where they don't have to rely on others. For reputation, they are seen as responsible and mature. However, they're seen as intimidating before the first meeting.

♒︎ 11H: Due to their independence and abrasive authenticity, Aries Risings don't feel like they strongly belong to a single friend group even though they can belong in multiple groups at the same time. While they can feel lonely, they also make sure not to conform to any group.

♓︎ 12H: With how independent Aries Risings are, they can struggle to realize their own ability to understand and connect with others. They struggle with the feeling of radically understanding someone and knowing when to shed or to keep boundaries in complicated situations.

Describing Pisces Risings Through the Houses

♓︎ 1H: With Pisces Risings, you can never really quite pin them. One person may say one thing about them, and another will say something completely different. It's weird because while they seem so distant from others, they have a vibe where you feel like you can trust them.

♈︎ 2H: The ability to be assertive and independent is what Pisces Risings use to measure their worth and judge their stability. They don't budge or listen to others when it comes to finances. They control their finances however they want, impulsive purchases included.

♉︎ 3H: Pisces Risings had an early environment and culture that always seemed to stay consistent. They can use their early environment and culture to ground themselves, but they can also be resentful of how stubborn and un-bending their culture can be too.

♊︎ 4H: Pisces Risings had a family that wanted them to get good grades and to know how to hold a good conversation. Why? Their family taught them that knowledge is valuable. However, their family sucked when they tried to explain feelings or anything that made no sense to them.

♋︎ 5H: Pisces Risings tend to not stray too far when it comes to trying new hobbies because you ideally like to feel safe with what you enjoy. For them, joy is a safe space. This could mean repeating the same movie and doing the same hobbies, especially on a bad day.

♌︎ 6H: Pisces Risings often get a lot of attention in the workplace, and can look for validation when they have their life together. After all, they define themselves by the little details of their everyday life, since such details can have tangible information about them.

♍︎ 7H: Pisces Risings seek a partner they find to be practical, organized, and put together. They tend to like considerate partners who like to think ahead, but they tend to dislike partners who can struggle to adjust to new situations due to unnecessary details.

♎︎ 8H: When it comes to power struggles, Pisces Risings believe that being as cordial as possible is the way to go. After all, they think that rudeness can be used against them. They can hide their true intentions with good manners and good social skills.

♏︎ 9H: Pisces Risings surprisingly have a jaded view of the world. They seek to see and know the world as it is. Due to this, they're often critical of the news and are likely to do their research before speaking, knowing who doesn't do their research well enough.

♐︎ 10H: It can be difficult for Pisces Risings to choose their career, mainly because they feel like they want to do everything. The idea of purpose is ambiguous to them and they feel like they shouldn't be limited to one job for the rest of their lives.

♑︎ 11H: Pisces Risings take their friendships seriously, only wanting friends who are mature and responsible. As a friend, they will try their hardest to keep you accountable and to be there for you through thick and thin. They are very selective about who they're friends with.

♒︎ 12H: Even though Pisces Risings can feel like they're far from everyone else, they can sometimes struggle to unpack feelings of alienation and isolation. They can struggle to imagine themselves completely alone, with no connections to see them as they are.

Your Rising Sign + How You Are On a First Date

♈︎: You show off the best parts of yourself when it comes to a first date. You come off as charismatic and confident, but you could be off-putting if you spend most of the time talking about yourself. You may feel performative and more sensitive than you'd like to admit.

♉︎: You are often the one who organizes and plans the date since you tend to establish the date on your terms. You present yourself as someone who is practical and attentive, but you could get nervous when your date doesn't go the way you expected.

♊︎: You're charming, sociable, and well-mannered on a first date. People tend to have a great time with you, but you sometimes wonder if your social etiquette is what prevents you from taking things to the next level.

♋︎: You're very observant on first dates. Chances are, you researched your date beforehand, and you often try to reveal as little information about yourself as possible. You're looking to see if intimacy can be easily created on a date.

♌︎: On a date, you're always down to try something new. You're into dates that aren't planned and dates that rely solely on whether you and your date have enough chemistry to have fun together regardless of what's going on.

♍︎: When it comes to a first date, the first thing you look for is competency and maturity in a partner. Dating isn't just fun, it's business. You may come off intimidating on a date since you're evaluating, but you will always come off as reliable and responsible.

♎︎: You like to have dates with people who tend to not care about what other people think. Due to this, you may be attracted to doing unconventional date ideas to take a break from daily social pressures and obligations.

♏︎: On first dates, you often come off as someone who's very understanding and soft. People don't feel judged by you, since you give the vibes that you've seen it all. A lot can happen on first dates since you tend to go with the flow.

♐︎: You can come off as very direct, honest, and straightforward on a first date. You look for passionate people who have a strong sense of direction. You like to be in charge of the dates you go on. Also, your dates can probably figure you out easily. You're not a mystery.

♑︎: You really like to take things slowly on a first date because you find pleasure in being present in the moment. You like to date people who are grounded and calm. You tend to indulge yourself on dates since you don't do it very often.

♒︎: On a first date, you're very vibrant and talkative. You tend to bring a lot of interesting stories to the table. You tend to look for someone who is intelligent, open-minded, and can carry a conversation. However, you flake if you feel that you won't have a good time.

♓︎: When it comes to first dates, it may take you a while to get super comfortable with your date. You'd like your dates to be a place where you can feel safe and open with your emotions. You may play a therapist role on dates if your boundaries aren't particularly strong.

Describing Aquarius Rising Through the Houses

♒︎ 1H: Aquarius Risings may not always be technically weird, bizarre, or odd, but they definitely experience themselves that way. While they can feel left out and excluded, they often bring a refreshing, different outsider's perspective that forces people to listen.

♓︎ 2H: Aquarius Risings find physical worth and security to be strange concepts - mainly because they know that feeling secure can take many arbitrary forms. They do however find value in being able to seamlessly slip through the cracks, and understanding the irrational.

♈︎ 3H: Aquarius Risings found their local environment and school to be a proving battleground. They were the lone wolf in school, but were usually true to themselves. While they can be prideful of their culture, they can also break it if their culture doesn't set them free.

♉︎ 4H: Aquarius Risings grew up in a stable, consistent family environment. Due to this, their needs for comfort and their idea of a safe space can be easy to figure out, but they can also see their past and family as a place of stifling and stubborn stagnation.

♊︎ 5H: Aquarius Risings are very much into activities that are mentally stimulating. They tend to not hold onto hobbies for too long, but they have a large array of interests. On first dates, they often look to see whether their date is intelligent and can hold a conversation.

♋︎ 6H: Aquarius Risings find familiarity in the little things, which includes their routine and daily habits. Due to this, they can be quite sensitive to any big changes in their everyday life. In the workplace, they often take on the caretaking role.

♌︎ 7H: Aquarius Risings appreciate a person who can unapologetically be themselves without feeling any sort of shame or obligation. However, they can dislike people who don't us enough discernment or awareness in self-expression.

♍︎ 8H: Aquarius Risings aren't people to underestimate when it comes to difficult, sticky matters such as debt and complications. Due to being aware of the system, they will document everything and be efficient. However, they can get overly nervous over what they can't control.

♎︎ 9H: The first thing Aquarius Rising asks when it comes to evaluating a belief is this, "How will this affect those around me?" They believe that beliefs should be altruistic, equal, fair, and helpful to others. However, they struggle in finding a balance in their worldviews.

♏︎ 10H: Aquarius Risings take their career and goals seriously to the point where they will try their best not to overly expose themselves. They tend to take careful steps in their career, not wanting to waste their time. They want their legacy to be important, but provocative.

♐︎ 11H: Aquarius Risings often have large groups of friends or communities they belong to. They usually don't stay in one group for too long because they won't compromise their freedom to association. They're often the really fun, reckless friend to have a good time with.

♑︎ 12H: Aquarius Risings are familiar with the effects of responsibility, but they aren't initially familiar with responsibility and processing the weight of it. Obligations and reality can often feel surprising to them, even though they feel the consequences of it constantly.

Describing Capricorn Rising Through the Houses

♑︎ 1H: Capricorn Risings approach the world not wanting attention, but respect. They seek to express themselves in a way that is timeless, so that when they look back on themselves, they can be feel satisfied. They're usually not the type to try to obnoxiously stand out.

♒︎ 2H: Capricorn Risings tend to be initially detached from the idea of creating worth and abundance from themselves. They measure their worth based on the long-term impact they make. Due to this, self-worth and judgment are subjects that are proven, not created in their eyes.

♓︎ 3H: Capricorn Risings had an ambiguous experience with their culture and early environment. This may manifest as them not entirely knowing their culture or school gossip. With what they did come across early on, they tried to seamlessly fit in by not being judgmental.

♈︎ 4H: Capricorn Risings grew up in a family environment that encouraged them to assert themselves. Their family environment taught them how to be self-sufficient, but they disliked how destructive and selfish assertiveness could be if it's not properly controlled.

♉︎ 5H: Capricorn Risings know very well what makes them happy and what doesn't. Due to this, they can often enjoy the same hobbies for many years consistently. They can be very indulgent in enjoying themselves, since joy keeps them grounded.

♊︎ 6H: Capricorn Risings structure their day through their thoughts and communication and strongly value communication in the workplace. They can also get easily bored of their work if it isn't mentally stimulating enough. Daily mental challenges keep them going!

♋︎ 7H: Capricorn Risings look for a safe space when it comes to relationships, their relationships becoming a chosen home for them. They look for a person who can be understanding and comfortable to talk to, but they dislike those who stay in the comfort zone for too long.

♌︎ 8H: When it comes to dealing with societal obligations and loss, Capricorn Risings tend to be sensitive, but genuine and honest because they judge themselves based on how they react. However, they tend to gain the upper hand in difficult situations with their charisma.

♍︎ 9H: Capricorn Risings are often very critical of beliefs and will take a pragmatic approach to them. They look for beliefs that can not only help them optimize their life, but can also help them feel mentally at ease with their surroundings.

♎︎ 10H: While Capricorn Risings primarily look for respect, they aspire to be naturally well-liked by others. Likability gives the social connection respect can lack at times, and that intuitive social connection and awareness is something they idealize.

♏︎ 11H: Capricorn Risings don't talk much about their friend groups and their community mainly because they find themselves most empowered in a group. They are fiercely loyal to their friends, often showing their loyalty by being there for them through thick and thin.

♐︎ 12H: Capricorn Risings can forget the adventurous, reckless side of them. While they are unfamiliar or even ashamed of such qualities, being adventurous can help them lighten up. Responsibility and maturity are best maintained through allowing time to be carefree.

How to Prepare for an Astrology Consultation as a Client

So, you finally chose your favorite astrologer and you just completed booking. Great! So wait, what do you do now? This thread will help you prepare for the insightful and productive astrology consultation you're been looking for.

1. If you haven't already, check your astrologer's approach. Every astrologer approaches astrology differently. Do they do Whole Signs? Placidus? Do they take a more traditional approach, or a more evolutionary one? These things matter! Make sure you know beforehand.

2. Double check and make sure the time zone is right if this isn't a local consultation. It's REALLY easy to miss the time zones, and if you're not sure, use a time converter or just contact your astrologer.

3. Make sure you have some questions ready! Also, making questions before the consultation can help you solidify why you got the consultation in the first place.

4. Make sure that on the day of the consultation, you're in a space that's well lit, private, and quiet. It's really hard for you and the astrologer to concentrate if there's a lot of noise or if there's another person in the room.

5. PLEASE speak up and ask questions if you don't understand something in the reading. Astrological jargon is a whole, different language, and you're not obligated to know every astrology term. It's the astrologer's responsibility to translate to you effectively.

6. You're not obligated to share personal details during the consultation. If the astrologer talks about something that makes you uncomfortable, it is okay to direct the consultation elsewhere. It doesn't matter if the information is accurate or "important" to the astrologer.

7. Take advantage of follow up sessions if you can! While it's inevitable that you'll always have questions about your chart at the end of the day, it never hurts to get questions answered, especially if you get a question after the consultation's over.

8. Take notes, even if your consultation is going to be recorded. You'll remember and retain the information much better. Also, depending on the astrologer, there's going to be a LOT of information to process so taking notes will help a lot with receiving information!

9. Don't ever feel like you're "too much" during a consultation. You're not. Share as much as you like, but do keep in mind that consultations have a time limit. Astrologers should be aware of the balance between letting you give feedback, and them giving you information.

10. Remember that all astrologers are different. Some of them have their little quirks and rules, and you should take that into account. Not all astrologers are the same, so therefore, no consultation is the same!

Disclaimer: There can definitely be more rules that can be added - but I think this is a good start for anyone who's been interested in a consultation and are preparing themselves for one.

Describing Cancer Rising Through the Houses

♋︎ 1H: Cancer Risings look at the world carefully, being sure to stay in their safe space as they approach the unknown. They often don't go out of their way to be spontaneous, and would prefer to stick to what they know about themselves.

♌︎ 2H: To Cancer Risings, the best form of security is self-confidence and self-awareness. They hold a lot of value to their belongings, for their belongings say a lot about them. They see their money management as a reflection of themselves for better or worse.

♍︎ 3H: Cancer Risings often found their local environment and culture to be critical and nit-picky. They may have grown up in a school environment that kept them on their toes - and rather than being comfortable, they were pressured to be efficient instead.

♎︎ 4H: Cancer Risings lived in a family environment where they were encouraged to be the peacemaker. They learned how to compromise for others and to anticipate other people's reactions. However, they were also thought to be passive, and to not cause trouble.

♏︎ 5H: Cancer Risings are more likely to be private about their hobbies, their hobbies a source of empowerment, but also vulnerability. Their hobbies eventually become niche due to lots of research, and this can make them hard to approach when it comes to starting casual dates.

♐︎ 6H: Cancer Risings prefer to have a flexible work schedule over a structured one. They seek for freedom in their everyday life to enjoy themselves. They can struggle to follow the rules and can be reckless in work, but are often open-minded on how other people function.

♑︎ 7H: Cancer Risings tend to go for relationships where they their efforts wouldn't be wasted. They tend to look for partners that are responsible and self-sufficient. However, they dislike partners who can't tell the difference between being realistic and fearful.

♒︎ 8H: Cancer Risings try their hardest to distance themselves from obligations, debt, and power struggles. If anything, they may try to appear aloof and detached to prevent themselves from looking vulnerable. They're more likely to stay stubborn instead of being malleable.

♓︎ 9H: Cancer Risings understand that no worldly perspective, religion, or belief will fully encapsulate the mystery of the world. Due to this, they value beliefs that don't claim to hold complete knowledge of the world. They aim to radically understand the world beyond logic.

♈︎ 10H: Cancer Risings aspire to be straightforward and assertive so that they get what they want. They go for careers where they're able to be independent or are in a position of authority. They chase their own dreams, not listening to what people think is best for them.

♉︎ 11H: When it comes to their friend group, Cancer Risings are often calm, grounded, and reliable. They are the type to keep their friends for a long time, but they also may struggle to make new friends. Either way, they like to keep their friend circle consistent.

♊︎ 12H: Cancer Risings sometimes can struggle to remember the part of them that wants spontaneity. They are privately playful and talkative. They're unknowingly picky with the people they speak to, not only because of discomfort, but because they can also be easily bored too.

Describing Virgo Rising Through the Houses

♍︎ 1H: Virgo Risings are gifted and cursed with noticing everything. They're known to be high observant, but can also be overly nit-picky with their surroundings. They have sharp senses to make their reality practical, optimal and efficient.

♎︎ 2H: Virgo Risings are often the type to spend money on their loved ones, often wanting items that strengthen or reflect the strong relationships they have. They find that true security lies in having strong connections and being liked by others.

♏︎ 3H: Virgo Risings grew up in a local environment that felt harsh. They saw their early environment as an opportunity to test their observation skills and to apply what they thought was efficient in a hostile environment. They didn't spend their time distracting themselves.

♐︎ 4H: Virgo Risings grew up in a family environment that had freedom. However, they may have felt that their family environment wasn't unified enough, often feeling rootless and distant when it came to family matters. They may not tie themselves too tightly to their past.

♑︎ 5H: Virgo Risings often enjoy hobbies that help improve themselves. They are often competitive in what they enjoy, looking to master what they love. When it comes to children, they want to raise their kids with discipline so that they're ready for the unknown world.

♒︎ 6H: Virgo Risings are more likely to be aloof and distant from their coworkers while trying to create the most successful work environment possible for everyone. They often have creative ideas but can be hard to connect with.

♓︎ 7H: In relationships, Virgo Risings highly value a person who can make sacrifices for others for they see commitment as a strength. However, they can be annoyed by people who do not know how to establish clarity and practical honesty in their relationships.

♈︎ 8H: When it comes to dealing with obligations, Virgo Risings negotiate for the sake of being independent. They are often quite combative and straightforward with obligations, for they know that being unclear with their boundaries can screw them over in the future.

♉︎ 9H: Virgo Risings are good at holding onto their beliefs. It takes time for them to really accept certain beliefs and worldviews, and they're good at committing. However, they can often be stubborn and can be reluctant to see other sides if they're already set on their own.

♊︎ 10H: Virgo Risings aspire to be individuals who can communicate clearly, and can learn easily from others. They may like to take on careers that have to do with handling information and giving a voice to others. They value storytelling and like to use words playfully!

♋︎ 11H: Virgo Risings are known as the "mom friend," and will often be emotionally attentive and nurturing to their friends. They often don't expand their friend circle often and treat their friendships and groups like a second home.

♌︎ 12H: Virgo Risings are modest, but they lowkey do crave to be recognized and validated. They can get resentful when people don't notice their attentive efforts, but can also get shy and nervous when people do acknowledge their work.

Describing Taurus Rising Through the Houses

♉︎ 1H: Taurus Risings appear calm and collected because they want their environment to be that way. There's something reassuring about them that makes them easy to get along with. However, their calm, stable nature is a personal gate to help protect themselves from the world.

♊︎ 2H: Taurus Risings take intelligence into account when it comes to creating their self-worth. They try to rationalize their spending habits. However, they can be noncommittal with their purchases, often buying whatever interests them at the moment - making them indulgent.

♋︎ 3H: Taurus Risings are very familiar and tied to their local environment and culture, regardless if they see it in a good or bad light. They're strongly affected by their culture, and will take bits and pieces of their early environment wherever they go, for better or worse.

♌︎ 4H: Taurus Risings grew up in an environment that prioritized charisma and individuality. They grew up with a family that highly prioritized image, likability, and high performance. They have a lot of experience and wisdom with attention, but they may view it somberly.

♍︎ 5H: Taurus Risings find value in hobbies that are practical. They like hobbies that require you to be tedious and attentive because it's stimulating. They find happiness most effectively when they prepare themselves to receive it rather than expecting it.

♎︎ 6H: Taurus Risings often find themselves to be the mediators when it comes to handling their daily life. They often like to spend their daily lives with people they care about, but can get passive aggressive when people mess with their daily groove.

♏︎ 7H: In relationships, Taurus Risings look for people who can be there for them through thick and thin. Due to this, they can often be selective in their relationships, dreading that failed relationships can be a waste of time.

♐︎ 8H: When it comes to dealing with obligations, Taurus Risings negotiate for the sake of being free. They don't look to become the upper hand, they look to get out of bad situations, especially if it's not worth their time.

♑︎ 9H: Taurus Risings tend to have a more somber and mature worldview. If anything, the pessimism helps them not to create too many unrealistic expectations of the world. They tend to be skeptical, only believing what they think is responsible.

♒︎ 10H: Taurus Risings can view success as foreign, and maybe even alienating. When it comes to their career, they want to achieve stability not just for themselves, but for those around them too, for better or worse.

♓︎ 11H: Taurus Risings are often the friends who demonstrate radical understanding. In group settings, they're able to understand complex experiences, but they do feel that their role in groups can be ambiguous.

♈︎ 12H: Taurus Risings are disgusted by the thought of being impulsive and self-centered. However, this is a part of them that they adore and fear. They wish to be quickly reactive because it's honest, but they fear what that kind of honesty can bring.

Parenting Goals According to your Ascendant

♈︎: You grew up fighting to be who you are to others. Fighting for your own authenticity has made you rough on the edges. For your children, you want them to be able to be who they are without strife. You want your children to never forget who they are, and to value themselves.

♉︎: You grew up stabilizing the world. However, you felt that you watched the world move on its own, with no sense of control. You want to give your children skills of efficiency, organization, and to never feel helpless to the world's unpredictability.

♊︎: You grew up trying to rationalize the world. However, you realized that logic does not replace social intuition. For your children, you want them to be socially skilled, and to learn justice. You want your children to initiate peace and apply their knowledge for good.

♋︎: You grew up trying to be safe. However, in your quest to find familiarity, you wished that you were braver. For your children, you want them to be strong and courageous enough to see the world deeply, and to delve into the unknown with open eyes.

♌︎: You grew up trying to be yourself. However, you've felt the pressure to perform rather than just simply be. For your children, you want to teach them that true authenticity comes from being able to explore yourself and that there's more to your life than just yourself.

♍︎: You grew up trying to get through reality efficiently. However, adaptability gets tiring, especially when you lack power and leverage. For your children, you want to teach them responsibility and maturity so that they are thoroughly prepared for the harsh world.

♎︎: You grew up trying to please others and to establish peace. However, initiating peace by yourself was tiring. For your children, you want to teach them how to not care about what other people think and to not feel pressured to fit in the norm.

♏︎: You grew up trying to preserve your power. However, being overly watchful has made you struggle to feel at ease. For your children, you want them to be radically understanding and compassionate. Understanding the unknown is the antidote to preservative fear.

♏︎: You grew up trying to preserve your power. However, being overly watchful has made you struggle to feel at ease. For your children, you want them to be radically understanding and compassionate. Understanding the unknown is the antidote to preservative fear.

♑︎: You grew up trying to be successful and respected. However, you've learned that such traits aren't always fulfilling and reassuring. For your children, you want them to value themselves, and to feel like they don't need to prove themselves to be respected.

♒︎: You grew up trying to not conform to your surroundings. However, you've learned that meaningful conversations can solidify the meaningfulness you are looking for. For your children, you want them to master communicating with others and to learn how to speak up.

♓︎: You grew up trying to radically understand the world. However, you wished you connected more to yourself. For your children, you want them to create a strong connection within themselves so that they can feel comfortable and safe no matter where they go.

Describing Gemini Rising Through the Houses

♊︎ 1H: Getting to know a Gemini Rising is like reading a story. They try their best to make sure that their identity lacks plot holes, and that they're in some way compelling. They can limit themselves in terms of not giving themselves a chance to be irrationally mysterious.

♋︎ 2H: When it comes to matters of possessions, Gemini Risings tend to cling to what is familiar to them even though they don't want to admit it. There's often an emotional connection to their belongings and their spending habits are often based on the whims of their comfort.

♌︎ 3H: The local culture and early environment is important for Gemini Risings. They can be sensitive to remarks about their local culture because it's their culture that helps them form their first story about themselves. They stand out in the community, for better or worse.

♍︎ 4H: Gemini Risings did not have the time to daydream when it came to their family. Their upbringing taught them how to time manage and how to optimize reality. Keeping up discipline, consistency, and practicality was a common theme in their past.

♎︎ 5H: Gemini Risings define happiness as enjoying life with the people you love by your side. On first dates, they're flirty, sociable, yet secretive on ugly information. They like to enjoy activities and hobbies that involve other people.

♏︎ 6H: Gemini Risings are the secretive coworkers who want to quietly do their work and go home. To them, the workplace is a place to utilize time, not waste it. They strongly seek to control their daily life, and tend not to share their daily details to others due to this.

♐︎ 7H: Gemini Risings fall in love with people who do not need facts and rationalization to feel comfortable with themselves. They seek for people who are open-minded and adventurous, but can dislike arrogance that makes no logical sense.

♑︎ 8H: Gemini Risings are terrifying if you drive them into a corner. When it comes to matters of obligations and power struggles, they give off an air of unquestioned power and authority. They take obligations seriously, and will expect you to also.

♒︎ 9H: Gemini Risings are aware of the problems of the world, but they believe that the world can still be saved. They see themselves as superheroes of the world, wanting to see an empowered order. However, gray morals can make them struggle with what the world should be like.

♓︎ 10H: Gemini Risings are looking for a place to be creative and understanding when it comes to their career. They seek to be radically understanding and compassionate to others, striving to make unbreakable connections that do not need to be justified by logic.

♈︎ 11H: Gemini Risings are often the initiator of the group. They usually are the ones who "take it for the team," and are also the ones who defend their friends. They can also be combative and immature, but they aren't afraid to speak the truth either.

♉︎ 12H: Gemini Risings often do not register when they are being stubborn and inflexible. It's hard for them to admit it. They fear that change and novelty is what builds them up, and a lack of novelty makes them irrelevant and boring. The secret goal is secure tranquility.

The Inevitable Square Between Planets in the 4th and 7th House

Unless you're doing degree-based aspects, and you're not using Whole Sign Houses, planets in the 4th house square planets in the 7th House. I really want to explain this square because this is a square I see talked about all over Twitter. Relationship dynamics affected by family.

It's hard to talk about the 4th House. The 4th House is the house that's down underground. The 4th House is the unseen, but very important roots of a tree. But the 4th House is also your very first reference. Your family and past is the very first reference you make.

You got a family first before you got an identity. What your family does in your very first years of life is highly important to the creation of your own identity, the reference you will actively create and change on your own. But your family and past is a GIVEN reference. You didn't ask for a family. You didn't ask for this first reference. You have no control on what your family's like, and the kind of reference you will be making and spreading as you grow up. Since you didn't create this reference, it takes awhile to even figure out your family.

How does the 7th House relate to the 4th House in terms of references? Your 7th House, your relationships, sheds difficult, harsh light onto your 4th House. It feels like being in a very dark room, only for your relationships to be the harsh light of realization that pours in. (Your 1st House, your own identity, also does this too but I wanna talk about the 7th House)

It's your lovers that point out how abusive your family was. Often, it's experiencing a truly loving relationship dynamic to realize how starved you were when it came to love. Often, it's repeating your family dynamics into another relationship to realize how wrong it all was. In addition to your own self identity that you create (1st House,) the 7th House, your relationships, become the counter reference to your 4th House. It's jarring to hear your relationships say one thing about you, and your family saying something completely different.

Both the 1st and 7th House both undermine the power of the 4th House by exposing it. By shedding light into the darkness. Invading privacy and "what you've always known" with the uncomfortable call to be present rather than be stuck in the past.

Isn't it weird how you can't be present in the present and past at the same time, and it seems like you have to be in one or the other? I think in reality, all simultaneous timelines - past, present, future are playing at the same time within us. We just have to choose which timeline works best. The past is amazing for some, the present is grounding, and the future gives direction. There's pros and cons for employing all three - and I think this square and highlight the pros and cons of it all.

Describing Leo Rising Through the Houses

♌︎ 1H: Leo Risings are often charismatic, warm, and generous. They can often bring light and life to any room they walk into, energizing those around them. However, they often come off too strong, and can be overwhelming and overly dramatic with others.

♍︎ 2H: While some may see Leo Risings as self-absorbed and inconsiderate, Leo Risings actually use observance and critical thinking as a tool to be secure. They have practical budgets and they try to preserve their self-esteem by reminding themselves of their usefulness.

♎︎ 3H: The local area Leo Risings grew up in aimed for peace and fairness. However, they may have also grown up in an area that liked to sweep true, but ugly truths under the rug. Due to this, they grew up in an environment that valued saving your face to keep the peace.

♏︎ 4H: Leo Risings grew up in a childhood that encouraged to keep the family life a secret. Their childhood taught them how to not waste their time, and how to hide from pain. However. due to this, they never felt like they had the opportunity to be genuinely known.

♐︎ 5H: Leo Risings are open-minded on first dates, and are willing to always try something spontaneous and wild. They also have a large range of hobbies, enjoying whatever makes them feel free. They can often get lost in themselves when they're truly enjoying themselves.

♑︎ 6H: When it comes to the workplace, Leo Risings are serious, mature, and responsible. It wouldn't be surprising if they were your boss. When it comes to their lifestyle, they're quite disciplined, making their lifestyle an opportunity to help them achieve their goals.

♒︎ 7H: Leo Risings are attracted to people who do not seem to need attention and relevance to be happy. They often are attracted to the isolated weirdo in the room because in a sense, they wished that they could also be self-sufficient without attention or praise.

♓︎ 8H: Leo Risings know that the best weapon against anyone in a power struggle is confusion and ambiguity. When it comes to matters of exchanging, they can overly generous, but can also lack boundaries on who owes what. They know the confusing nuance of loss.

♈︎ 9H: Leo Risings tend to be very independent and direct when it comes to their beliefs and worldview. Due to this, they are often strong, but also defensive believers. For them, they believe that their beliefs and worldview should help empower and strengthen them.

♉︎ 10H: Leo Risings want to have a stable, consistent career and life purpose they can work on for the rest of their lives. Due to this, while they can struggle to change their dreams, they're good at holding onto them. They adore those who are able to commit to their goals.

♊︎ 11H: Leo Risings are often the friend in the group that has all the tea. They are talkative and engaging storytellers to their friends, often considered the fun one in the group. However, they can also be flaky, or can often be the middle man or messenger in group struggles.

♋︎ 12H: The one thing that surprises a Leo Rising is how sensitive and scared they can be of life. The need for safety and familiarity is something that they fall back to - but only in secret. They find their sense of familiarity a part of themselves they've yet to explore.

Describing Sagittarius Rising Through the Houses

♐︎ 1H: Sagittarius Risings see themselves to be outgoing and open-minded. Self-expression is a form of freedom for them, with every open potential to be themselves liberating. However, because they are so many options, it can be hard for them to stick to one identity.

♑︎ 2H: People underestimate Sagittarius Risings for lacking practicality and structure, but Sagittarius Risings can indeed be disciplined and responsible. In order to maintain their free self-expression, they know that there is a price for everything, especially freedom.

♒︎ 3H: The local area for a Sagittarius Rising prioritized progress and achievement over familiarity. They grew up in a local area that may have felt distant, but had clear morals, rules, and social norms. Due to this, they felt driven to think on their own.

♓︎ 4H: The one thing Sagittarius Risings learn from their family and upbringing is the fact that humanity will never know everything. Ambiguity was the common feeling in the household. While the family may have taught to be understanding, boundaries were difficult to establish.

♈︎ 5H: Sagittarius Risings like competitive hobbies where they can be independent. They fight for their own joy, often not enjoying the same activities as others. On a first date, they look for someone who is passionate and straightforward. Joy should be simple and empowering.

♉︎ 6H: A Sagittarius Rising has a stable, consistent lifestyle that helps them stay self-sufficient. They're good at keeping habits, but can struggle with letting them go. They are very stubborn with their lifestyle, and it's hard for them to change their lifestyle for others.

♊︎ 7H: A Sagittarius Rising likes an intelligent person who can keep a conversation. For their relationships, they seek to always learn something new, yet at the same time, they can get easily bored. They highly value people who can make their life make more sense.

♋︎ 8H: A Sagittarius Rising often finds that what one finds to be comfortable and familiar with can be their greatest weakness. Due to this, when it comes to power struggles, they will often find what people find comfort in and weaponize it. Feelings are their weapon.

♌︎ 9H: When it comes to beliefs and a philosophy to follow, a Sagittarius Rising will always have a sensitive spot for them because these beliefs often help them remember themselves. They often go for a worldview and beliefs that help them stay genuine.

♍︎ 10H: It's one thing to have your beliefs heard, but it's another thing to make your beliefs practical and make it into a reality. For Sagittarius Risings, they strive and hope to be practical and detail-oriented so that they can transform their dreams to a reality.

♎︎ 11H: Sagittarius Risings often like to be the mediator in their friend groups. However, because they want to be well-liked by others, they can often be more passive in a group, striving to be approved by others. They do strive for everyone to be treated as equals in a group.

♏︎ 12H: One thing that can often surprise a Sagittarius Rising about themselves is how much they actually crave for control. There is often an inner awareness of how dark the world can be, and this awareness can often keep them in check when they choose to stay optimistic.

Describing Scorpio Rising Through the Houses

♏︎ 1H: Scorpio Risings are attentive at managing information about themselves. They find their identity to be a source of empowerment, which leads to them being withdrawn and secretive. They're skilled at observing and judging others, and are hesitant in being vulnerable first.

♐︎ 2H: Since Scorpio Risings invest a good amount of energy managing and hiding their identity, they are a lot more liberal when it comes to handling their resources. Part of gaining security within themselves lies in being open-minded, gaining knowledge, and being cultured.

♑︎ 3H: Scorpio Risings grew up in a local area that made them grow up fast. They started off in a harsh, judgmental environment that encouraged results and success. Due to this, Scorpio Risings are used to competitive environments and are more likely to mature early on.

♒︎ 4H: Scorpio Risings grew up in a family where they were encouraged to establish progress before anything else. They may have grown up valuing results and social impact rather than their own safe space. They often feel distant and emotionally detached from their past.

♓︎ 5H: Scorpio Risings are aware of the many ways to enjoy life, but they can be confused as to where to start. Once they figure it out, they tend to have a deep connection with the hobbies and the people they love. They can cling very strongly to those who bring them joy.

♈︎ 6H: Scorpio Risings are independent when it comes to their lifestyle and in the workplace. They are self-reliant and can get pretty angry when people tell them how to live their life. They would ideally like their lifestyle to be uncomplicated, simple, and efficient.

♉︎ 7H: To make judgment easier, Scorpio Risings take their time when it comes to having and evaluating relationships. They want to have long-lasting and reliable relationships and are skilled at keeping people, but they can struggle with letting accepted relationships go.

♊︎ 8H: Scorpio Risings find knowledge and intelligence to be a compelling weapon against others in power struggles. They are mentally invested with the concept of loss, often considering themselves to be a student to how one will inevitably lose.

♋︎ 9H: When it comes to their personal beliefs and philosophy, Scorpio Risings would much rather have an emotional connection to their beliefs. Their beliefs should help them familiarize themselves with the world, making it easier for them to be comfortable.

♌︎ 10H: Scorpio Risings tend to be sensitive to their life purpose and their career because they find that their goals say a lot about them as a person. When it comes to reputation, they are often charismatic and well-known, but can often be a center point for rumors.

♍︎ 11H: Scorpio Risings find that their utility and strong observing skills help them belong. When it comes to friends, they are the ones who make the plans, are organized, and are practical. They are overly critical of their friends even though they usually say it with care.

♎︎ 12H: While Scorpio Risings are aware of their suspicion of others, they are less aware of how they still seek to be liked and approved by others. Neutrality and being passive are unfamiliar qualities to them and it's hard for them to admit that they want to fit in at times.

Describing Libra Rising Through the Houses

♎︎ 1H: Libra Risings are invested in creating a balanced, fair identity to seek peace and fairness. Due to this, they are often considerate and diplomatic, but they can lose the inner selfish human in them when they lose themselves in ethics and exchanges rather than feelings.

♏︎ 2H: Libra Risings take their own resources very seriously and they try to be resourceful. They tend to strongly dislike wasting their resources that aren't worth their time. However, using resources to build intimacy and passion around themselves is helpful!

♐︎ 3H: No matter how large or small their local area is, a Libra Rising easily finds novelty and adventure. They find their local area to be a grand place to explore. However, due to the perceived grandness, they feel that the people they live close to are distant.

♑︎ 4H: Libra Risings grew up in an upbringing that encouraged responsibility and maturity. The first goal for any Libra Rising is to be respected and competent. They find comfort in structure, but they often forget that they deserve emotional warmth in their safe space.

♒︎ 5H: Libra Risings often find joy in activities that are meaningful, progressive, rational, and benevolent. A Libra Rising doesn't simply find joy in existence by bringing joy solely to themselves, but by bringing sustainable and constructive joy to those around them.

♓︎ 6H: Libra Risings, due to being overly considerate, often lack boundaries. In the workplace, they are very flexible and compassionate and are willing to adapt. However, they can often forget their own limits, making them potentially passive and resentful in the workplace.

♈︎ 7H: In relationships of all sorts, Libra Risings look for those who are independent and are willing to stand on their own. In a sense, every one-on-one encounter is an opportunity for Libra Risings to become independent, honest, and passionate themselves.

♉︎ 8H: Libra Risings try their best to not lose or gain anything. If anything, when it comes to the idea of give or take, Libra Risings seek for all exchanges to be equal and consistent. Inconsistent and unequal exchanges are often when Libra Risings feel threatened by losses.

♊︎ 9H: Libra Risings often see the outside world as a place to learn. They are students to the world, and they want to make sense of what they encounter. When it comes to personal beliefs, they believe that beliefs should encourage them to stay curious and mentally stimulated.

♋︎ 10H: Libra Risings find the ability to be familiar with everything to be powerful. The ability to freely embrace emotions, outside of rationality is liberating to them. They hope that someday, they can go beyond just ethics when it comes to caring for the people they love.

♌︎ 11H: Libra Risings see their group presented as a part of who they are. In a group, they are often likable and charismatic, but also self-absorbed since they find the best opportunities to talk about themselves in their selected groups.

♍︎ 12H: Libra Risings are not often familiar with the nitpicking, critical side of themselves. They're surprised at how secretly judgmental they can be to others. However, they also forget their practical and useful side and that they are not just a social aesthetic to follow.

Mars: Uncomfortably You

In astrology, Mars is commonly known as the planet of conflicts and energy. Often, it's when we are put under pressure and are forced to fight, we see our true colors and the true colors of others.

These true colors are often authentic and true, but sometimes, too true to be taken comfortably.

If the Sun is the planet that shows how we frame our identities based off what we choose from our surroundings, Mars shows how we burn and cut a path in the earth to be ourselves, for better or worse.

Mars is domicile in Aries and Scorpio, the two signs (expressions) which we fight to claim our domains. Aries initiates authenticity through defending what is perceived as vulnerable while Scorpio maintains authenticity by creating the perfect strike against those who seek to trivialize and destroy hard-earned, worthy authenticity.

Aries finds opportunities to create and present identities, while Scorpio closely preserves what is real.

Mars is in detriment in Taurus and Libra. Both signs, ruled by Venus, would rather curate a likable identity created by connections and aesthetics. Those with Mars in Taurus or Libra may dislike the notion of cutting a path to possess oneself. One could argue that they should not have to protect identity with conflict, but rather, with agreements.

Mars falls in Cancer. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, works best with what is familiar, the opposite of what Mars aims to work with: novelty. Those with Mars in Cancer may find themselves in a limited pool of possibilities when it comes to cutting a path to possess oneself. One could argue that they should not have to travel in unknown territory to fight for themselves.

Mars is exalted in Capricorn. If Aries and Scorpio are designed to win the battle, Capricorn is designed to win the war. A Mars in Capricorn has the opportunity to not only cut a path for themselves, but to also gain respect from others and build maturity over time. People may dismiss the efforts of an Aries (for being too immature) and Scorpio (for being unnecessarily deep) but they won't dismiss the efforts of a Capricorn.

So how does this manifest for you? Check for your Rising sign below! Please use Whole Signs for this!

♈︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control who are you are presently. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize you in power struggles because how other people stabilize themselves is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving your respectable and powerful vocation and reputation over time.

♉︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control your time in isolation and privacy. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your relationships because your relationships are important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through keeping your respectable and powerful beliefs and world view over time.

♊︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your communities and friendships. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your lifestyle and habits because managing your existence is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving your respectable superiority over others in power struggles over time.

♋︎↑: You defend and solely maintain your reputation and your lifetime ambitions. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your hobbies and creativity because enjoying your existence is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving respectable and powerful relationship dynamics with others over time.

♌︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your worldview and beliefs. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your past and origins because how you began is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving your respectable and powerful ability to push on through life through every little step over time.

♍︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your debts and power struggles. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize the way you think and what you've known early on because how you started to learn is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful ability to enjoy your life against the odds over time.

♎︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your relationships with others. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your finances and your self-esteem because learning to value yourself is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful ability to discern and find the best safe space for yourself over time.

♏︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your lifestyle and habits. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your identity because how you define yourself is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful presence and mind in your early community over time.

♐︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your hobbies and what pleasures you. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize you in isolation because what you find out about yourself in isolation is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful confidence over time.

♑︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your past, upbringing, and origin. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your communities and friends because the feeling of belonging is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful sense of self over time.

♒︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your early community and early learning environment. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your vocation and calling because achieving your dreams is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful ability to isolate over time.

♓︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your finances and your self-worth. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your beliefs and worldview because forming your own beliefs is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful presence in your valued communities.