How to Prepare for an Astrology Consultation as a Client

So, you finally chose your favorite astrologer and you just completed booking. Great! So wait, what do you do now? This thread will help you prepare for the insightful and productive astrology consultation you're been looking for.

1. If you haven't already, check your astrologer's approach. Every astrologer approaches astrology differently. Do they do Whole Signs? Placidus? Do they take a more traditional approach, or a more evolutionary one? These things matter! Make sure you know beforehand.

2. Double check and make sure the time zone is right if this isn't a local consultation. It's REALLY easy to miss the time zones, and if you're not sure, use a time converter or just contact your astrologer.

3. Make sure you have some questions ready! Also, making questions before the consultation can help you solidify why you got the consultation in the first place.

4. Make sure that on the day of the consultation, you're in a space that's well lit, private, and quiet. It's really hard for you and the astrologer to concentrate if there's a lot of noise or if there's another person in the room.

5. PLEASE speak up and ask questions if you don't understand something in the reading. Astrological jargon is a whole, different language, and you're not obligated to know every astrology term. It's the astrologer's responsibility to translate to you effectively.

6. You're not obligated to share personal details during the consultation. If the astrologer talks about something that makes you uncomfortable, it is okay to direct the consultation elsewhere. It doesn't matter if the information is accurate or "important" to the astrologer.

7. Take advantage of follow up sessions if you can! While it's inevitable that you'll always have questions about your chart at the end of the day, it never hurts to get questions answered, especially if you get a question after the consultation's over.

8. Take notes, even if your consultation is going to be recorded. You'll remember and retain the information much better. Also, depending on the astrologer, there's going to be a LOT of information to process so taking notes will help a lot with receiving information!

9. Don't ever feel like you're "too much" during a consultation. You're not. Share as much as you like, but do keep in mind that consultations have a time limit. Astrologers should be aware of the balance between letting you give feedback, and them giving you information.

10. Remember that all astrologers are different. Some of them have their little quirks and rules, and you should take that into account. Not all astrologers are the same, so therefore, no consultation is the same!

Disclaimer: There can definitely be more rules that can be added - but I think this is a good start for anyone who's been interested in a consultation and are preparing themselves for one.