Jupiter: Blessings and What You Take for Granted

In natal astrology, Jupiter shows easy opportunities for strengths and talents to emerge for the individual. Jupiter captures the human desire to expand, grow, and inspire. However, with the ease and fun one can have with inspiration, we can take such inspirations for granted, not realizing that not everyone can easily express such talents and gifts. While the house position of Jupiter can show where we can easily grow and inspire others, it also shows where we forget the reality that while blessings are present, so is struggle and trouble. To forget such troubles and assume the absences of those troubles due to your abilities is to take them for granted.


Jupiter in the 1st House: You are blessed with the ability to express yourself and to expand on your identity. However, you forget that others can struggle to express themselves. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of self-expression.

Jupiter in the 2nd House: You are blessed with the ability to possess an intimate relationship and security within yourself. However, you forget that others can struggle to embrace themselves. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of self-acceptance.

Jupiter in the 3rd House: You are blessed with the ability to communicate and expand on your ideas. However, you forget that others can struggle to speak their mind. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of controlling language.

Jupiter in the 4th House: You are blessed with the ability to understand and designate your personal safe space. However, you forget that others can struggle to feel and accept comfort. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of finding one’s sense of home.

Jupiter in the 5th House: You are blessed with the ability to expand on your creativity and enjoy the pleasures of life. However, you forget that others can struggle with creative blocks. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of possessing happiness.

Jupiter in the 6th House: You are blessed with the ability to navigate daily workings of your life smoothly with good habits. However, you forget that others can struggle with daily life. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of going through the details of human life.

Jupiter in the 7th House: You are blessed with the ability to form and expand your relationships with others. However, you forget that others can struggle to relate and connect to others. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of connecting with the other.

Jupiter in the 8th House: You are blessed with the ability to manage secrecy and intimacy. However, you forget that others can struggle with power management. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of gaining and maintaining power.

Jupiter in the 9th House: You are blessed with the ability to express and expand on your world views. However, you forget that others can struggle with handling various worldly perspectives. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of holding beliefs.

Jupiter in the 10th House: You are blessed with the ability of knowing and expanding upon your ambitions and reputation. However, you forget that others can struggle with finding what they aspire to be. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of working towards success.

Jupiter in the 11th House: You are blessed with the ability of knowing where and how to belong in a group. However, you forget that others can feel alienated. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of loneliness.

Jupiter in the 12th House: You are blessed with the ability of embracing and expanding inevitable isolation. However, you forget that others can feel unsettled and hurt through isolation. To best understand your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle for one to embrace inevitable solitude.