Mars: Uncomfortably You

In astrology, Mars is commonly known as the planet of conflicts and energy. Often, it's when we are put under pressure and are forced to fight, we see our true colors and the true colors of others.

These true colors are often authentic and true, but sometimes, too true to be taken comfortably.

If the Sun is the planet that shows how we frame our identities based off what we choose from our surroundings, Mars shows how we burn and cut a path in the earth to be ourselves, for better or worse.

Mars is domicile in Aries and Scorpio, the two signs (expressions) which we fight to claim our domains. Aries initiates authenticity through defending what is perceived as vulnerable while Scorpio maintains authenticity by creating the perfect strike against those who seek to trivialize and destroy hard-earned, worthy authenticity.

Aries finds opportunities to create and present identities, while Scorpio closely preserves what is real.

Mars is in detriment in Taurus and Libra. Both signs, ruled by Venus, would rather curate a likable identity created by connections and aesthetics. Those with Mars in Taurus or Libra may dislike the notion of cutting a path to possess oneself. One could argue that they should not have to protect identity with conflict, but rather, with agreements.

Mars falls in Cancer. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, works best with what is familiar, the opposite of what Mars aims to work with: novelty. Those with Mars in Cancer may find themselves in a limited pool of possibilities when it comes to cutting a path to possess oneself. One could argue that they should not have to travel in unknown territory to fight for themselves.

Mars is exalted in Capricorn. If Aries and Scorpio are designed to win the battle, Capricorn is designed to win the war. A Mars in Capricorn has the opportunity to not only cut a path for themselves, but to also gain respect from others and build maturity over time. People may dismiss the efforts of an Aries (for being too immature) and Scorpio (for being unnecessarily deep) but they won't dismiss the efforts of a Capricorn.

So how does this manifest for you? Check for your Rising sign below! Please use Whole Signs for this!

♈︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control who are you are presently. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize you in power struggles because how other people stabilize themselves is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving your respectable and powerful vocation and reputation over time.

♉︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control your time in isolation and privacy. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your relationships because your relationships are important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through keeping your respectable and powerful beliefs and world view over time.

♊︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your communities and friendships. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your lifestyle and habits because managing your existence is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving your respectable superiority over others in power struggles over time.

♋︎↑: You defend and solely maintain your reputation and your lifetime ambitions. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your hobbies and creativity because enjoying your existence is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving respectable and powerful relationship dynamics with others over time.

♌︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your worldview and beliefs. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your past and origins because how you began is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving your respectable and powerful ability to push on through life through every little step over time.

♍︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your debts and power struggles. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize the way you think and what you've known early on because how you started to learn is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful ability to enjoy your life against the odds over time.

♎︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your relationships with others. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your finances and your self-esteem because learning to value yourself is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful ability to discern and find the best safe space for yourself over time.

♏︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your lifestyle and habits. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your identity because how you define yourself is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful presence and mind in your early community over time.

♐︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your hobbies and what pleasures you. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize you in isolation because what you find out about yourself in isolation is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful confidence over time.

♑︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your past, upbringing, and origin. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your communities and friends because the feeling of belonging is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful sense of self over time.

♒︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your early community and early learning environment. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your vocation and calling because achieving your dreams is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful ability to isolate over time.

♓︎↑: You defend and solely maintain control over your finances and your self-worth. You preserve your strength and strike down those who attempt to take advantage and trivialize your beliefs and worldview because forming your own beliefs is important to you. Your efforts to fight for your authenticity are rewarded through achieving a respectable and powerful presence in your valued communities.