Saturn in the 2nd House

There are numerous items that are represented by the 2nd House. Possessions, self-esteem, and money are products of the 2nd House. However, what the 2nd House truly represents at the core is how the native gains comfort and how the native maintains their sense of self. The 2nd House shows how the native deals with comfort and what and how they will go at the comfort they need and want.

Saturn in the natal chart can often show initial difficulty, but eventual success in the natal chart. Natives with this placement will often struggle to be comfortable with their environment. There may be a strong, powerful mindset of believing that they don’t deserve comfort until they fulfill a certain standard they often think is realistic or right. Often, this certain standard is unrealistic and the native will stay in a constant state of discomfort, feeling uncomfortable once they actually arrive in a state of comfort. Natives with this placement need to learn that they deserve to be comfortable and that it’s not wrong to indulge in yourself every once in a while.

The life lessons the natives need to learn is the true, healthy way to stabilize themselves, whatever it may be. Often through their domineering parent, these natives were already raised with certain values. These natives will usually use these given values to have structure in their lives, even if this structure is limiting and ultimately not helpful to them. Natives may even sacrifice their own personal values if they feel that it’s not practical in the long run. Some natives may even believe these values are right for them and can close themselves up to other perspectives. The values the native has over their lifetime usually stays the same, and it is very difficult to change these values. Lessons from certain situations are what causes natives to change their perspectives and values.

With a high standard on values, it’s no surprise that the native may have a high standard on themselves. With this in mind, the native can struggle with being confident, for they feel that they don’t have the right to be confident until they accomplish certain things or until they fulfill the high standard they or either their parents have set for them. The path to self-confidence and love for themselves is often a long one, the native encountering numerous trials when it comes to giving and receiving self-validation.

The reason why the native strongly focuses on the stability of themselves is often because there is a secret belief that their ego is sensitive, and perhaps weak. This is the reason why natives with this placement may actively try to restrict themselves - they feel that they are not strong enough to handle what life throws at them. While discipline on the self is good, the native can struggle to implement a discipline that truly works for them if they aren’t self-aware of their strengths.

However, these struggles stated above are what leads these natives to be strong, independent individuals. Through every struggle, these natives learn to be strong, financially intelligent, and independent. With the 2nd House representing the preservation of the self, the native often learns new ways to be confident through volatile situations. By going through various trials, these natives can realize that no matter what situation they’re in, good or bad, they still have the opportunity to love themselves completely, flaws and all. With financial struggles, the native can think of innovative, smart ways to stay financially afloat and maintain security in even the most unstable circumstances.

Saturn in the 2nd natives can have a fear of losing money because losing money can be seen as a threat to their security. However, when this fear is used positively, Saturn in the 2nd natives can develop smart, innovative ways to handle money. Natives with this placement often are financially intelligent, knowing or eventually learning smart ways to save and spend money. These natives are very frugal and thrifty, not requiring a lot of spending to keep themselves satisfied. Sometimes, spending can even make the native uncomfortable. However, it can be hard for these natives to realize that even with the most secure financial plans, their financial states are still unpredictable.

Saturn represents the domineering parent, or the father in the natal chart. The domineering parent can have a strong influence on the native’s views on being secure whether that be through money, values, and self-esteem. The parent can also strongly affect the native’s security itself for better or worse - either making or breaking them. The native could perceive the parent as someone who is strongly involved in being secure - whether it be through their career or the actions they act upon the child. Parents of these natives are often involved in jobs involving money, beauty, and other items that are commonly seen as comfort items.

The native’s parent could strongly invest in items that brings comfort to them, which can be anything - as long as it keeps the parent comfortable and secure. Depending on their item of choice, what comforts the parent can influence the native, the native initially mirroring the comfort item of choice from the parent. However, as the native grows up, they will often find their own personal outlets of comfort and what works for them. If these personal outlets of comfort clashes with the parent’s personal outlets of comfort, the relationship between the child and parent can be strained.

Saturn in the 2nd House is a placement that is meant to stabilize and strengthen the foundation of the self presented in the 1st House. The native will be repeatedly challenged to withstand the demolition of their securities. The native has the choice to either remain with seemingly strong, but weak walls concealing an unstable ego or learn to strengthen, embrace, and work with the strengths and flaws they have.