Saturn in the 7th House

The 7th House represents all of the one-on-one interactions we have with others. Relationships and interactions of all kinds are seen in this house: whether it be your family or your lovers. The 7th House also represents the shadow side we tend to hide, only to see and project this shadow side on others through our interactions with them.

For those with Saturn in the 7th House, they can struggle feeling like they belong when it comes to talking to people one-on-one. Due to this, they’re often distant and withdrawn from others. Those with Saturn in the 7th House can often feel stifled in their self-expression with others, feeling that they can’t be entirely themselves. Due to this, a lot of natives will try to present what they think is their best self to others.

At the same time though, these people will often give the same, distant treatment to others in their one-on-one relationships even though a lot of them crave for acceptance. The reason why these people will be distant or even strict with people is because they have a high standard on how their interactions should go. If the people they interact with don’t follow this standard, they will often not open up to them. These natives often have a realistic, but restrictive view of relationships.

However, it is this high standard where these natives can establish long-lasting and meaningful relationships. This high standard these natives have will often filter out toxic and meaningless relationships. For every person a Saturn in the 7th native interacts with, there is often a lesson to learn. Over time, Saturn in the 7th natives become wise when it comes to relationships and interacting with others. It becomes easier for these natives to pick and choose who they want to interact with.

Due to the distant and hesitant nature these natives have with relationships, these people can struggle to have relationships early on in life. When the native lacks relationships early on, these natives can often have a naive view of relationships unless they have seen the workings of other relationships. It is only through relationships where these natives can see a harsh reality.

However, some natives can have relationships early on. These natives often learn their lessons from their relationships harshly and painfully, the relationships often leaving a scar for them. However, it is these very scars that helps these natives know the difference between a good and bad relationship. Often, they can feel experienced and mature when they see their peers suffering from relationship issues they probably have already went through.

Following the idea that is difficult for these natives to open up, these natives will often take their relationships at a slow pace, whether they are conscious of it or not. They don’t like to rush into relationships, for these natives are cautious and careful. However, these natives are often strongly committed and devoted to their partners. This means that these natives often make great and stable marriage partners. Saturn in the 7th natives are often aware of how loving and devoted they can be, which is why it can be hard for them to trust people right away.

However, once these natives choose to trust you, they will mostly likely commit and devote themselves to you for a long time. Saturn in the 7th natives aren’t looking for interactions that are meaningless and fleeting - they only want the most important and meaningful relationships. One reason why these natives want such meaningful relationships is because deep down, these natives fear letting people go. It is hard for these natives to cut people off, especially early on. Usually, when these natives choose to be with someone, they have used a lot of practical judgment and thought a lot about it. To see a person leave when they were willing to invest so much can be very painful.

The 7th House often shows the shadow side of ourselves that we don’t like to accept. With Saturn in the 7th House, the native will often reject their practical, realistic and serious side of themselves. Deep down, these natives crave to be free and carefree, for they want to release their inner child into the world. However, these natives are scared, for they think that it’s unsafe to do so. It’s with this fear that explains why these natives often treat others in a distant way.

It can often be hard for these natives to accept the fact that they can be authoritative figures so they try to find this authority in other people. They will often seek for people they find to be competent, intelligent, and good at what they do. These natives will also seek for mature partners and due to this, their partners are often older.

Having Saturn in the 7th House is often seen to be a tough placement, as with all Saturn placements. However, with Saturn, there is often a reason why there is so much pain and suffering. For those with Saturn in the 7th House, they will face a lot of suffering, but also empowering in their relationships. If manifested positively, these natives will find a sense of power, maturity, and authority they never knew they had. It’s up to themselves to realize that they’ve had this power all along - they just need to find this power through others.