Sensitivities and Memories

  • Aries Moon: You are strongly sensitive to your own independence and autonomy. Due to this sensitivity, you positively remember the times where you were encouraged to be yourself. You negatively remember the times where your self-assertions were compromised.

  • Taurus Moon: You are strongly sensitive to your own physical pleasure and comfort. Due to this sensitivity, you positively remember the times where you indulged yourself. You negatively remember the times where your sense of stability has been shaken up.

  • Gemini Moon: You are strongly sensitive to your own thoughts and reasoning. Due to this sensitivity, you positively remember the times where you learned new things and had fun conversations. You negatively remember the times where you were silenced.

  • Cancer Moon: You are strongly sensitive to your sense of comfort and familiarity. Due to this sensitivity, you positively remember the times where you felt at home. You negatively remember the times where you were forced out of the comfort zone.

  • Leo Moon: You are strongly sensitive to your sense of identity and attention. Due to this sensitivity, you positively remember the times where you felt recognized and uplifted. You negatively remember the times where you felt ignored and neglected.

  • Virgo Moon: You are strongly sensitive to your circumstances and analyzation. Due to this sensitivity, you positively remember the times where you went through the day with ease. You negatively remember the times where you nervously attempted to adjust to an unexpected reality.

  • Libra Moon: You are strongly sensitive to your sense of balance and interactions with others. Due to this sensitivity, you positively remember having times of peace and justice. You negatively remember having times of conflict and violence.

  • Scorpio Moon: You are strongly sensitive to your intensity and inner chaos. You positively remember the times where you were authentic and intimate. You negatively remember the times where you were forced to cover up your authenticity.

  • Sagittarius Moon: You are strongly sensitive to your sense of freedom and joy. You positively remember the times where you were encouraged to have fun and be open-minded. You negatively remember the times where you were forced to be realistic and somber.

  • Capricorn Moon: You are strongly sensitive to your inner standards and practicality. You positively remember the times where life went well due to your own ambitions. You negatively remember the times where your efforts have resulted in failure.

  • Aquarius Moon: You are strongly sensitive to the phenomena of belonging and reforming. You positively remember the times where you were distinct, but still belonged somewhere. You negatively remember the times where you have felt wrongly alienated.

  • Pisces Moon: You are strongly sensitive to your creativity and ambiguity. You positively remember the times where it was easy for you to be open, creative, and accepting. You negatively remember the times where you were forced to create limits against your will.