4th house

IC: Your Origin Story

Note: Use Whole Signs

Aries AC/Cancer IC: You grew up stifled due to being told to stay in the comfort zone. You were taught to stick to what you always knew, stay safe, and not take risks. Now, you seek to take risks, be brave, and to be assertive with what you want.

Taurus AC/Leo IC: You grew up learning that gaining attention stabilized your foundation. You were encouraged to be charismatic and to focus on yourself. Now, you know how to seek stabilization without attention, for you truly know that stabilization starts within yourself.

Gemini AC/Virgo IC: You grew up learning that life consisted of a lot of work and attentiveness. You were taught to always work first. Now, you know how to live life playfully, and to communicate well with others rather than overthinking and over-analyzing.

Cancer AC/Libra IC: You grew up passively to keep the peace. You were taught to always be polite, well-mannered, and considerate. Now, you seek for your own comfort and familiarity, and realize that emotional comfort creates stronger bonds rather than just following social cues.

Leo AC/Scorpio IC: As you grew up, you were told to stay in the shadows and keep the secrets. You were taught that the world was dark. Now, you seek to illuminate your own light to the world, for you are able to handle any inevitable shadows coming your way.

Virgo AC/Sagittarius IC: You grew up exposed to the grandness of the world. The world was overwhelming, and it was hard to take root. Now, you seek to not miss a detail, for this is how you’ve learned to truly appreciate the world for what it is. Quality management is a priority.

Libra AC/Capricorn IC: You grew up quickly due to being exposed to the harsh, somber state of the world. Now, you seek to soften the harshness of reality by trying to create relationships with others so that nobody would ever have to face the world alone.

Scorpio AC/Aquarius IC: You grew up feeling alienated from the world. It felt as if you had to convince others you had power. Now, you realize that receiving and feeling such powers is a personal, intimate matter within yourself that will not require an arbitrary outside opinion.

Sagittarius AC/Pisces IC: You grew up in ambiguity with little to no grounding. Now, you have learned that as long as ambiguity is inevitable, so is opportunity. You explore the world freely, without a care about where you’re going because ultimately, you’ll be just fine.

Capricorn AC/Aries IC: You grew up quickly encountering conflict, aggression, and immaturity. The world was a battlefield. Facing conflict has helped you gain tougher skin, and you have realized that maturity and responsibility, not brute force, is the way to gain true power.

Aquarius AC/Taurus IC: You grew up encountering stagnancy and stubbornness. Being trapped in complacency has urged you to be the change, and you realize that one must always go out of the comfort zone if they want to truly create anything lasting and meaningful.

Pisces AC/Gemini IC: When you grew up, you were given the assumption that life has a certain logic and rationality. However, you witnessed inconsistencies, you eventually accept such inconsistencies, for you realize that the unknown is an inevitable part of life.

Saturn in the 4th House

The 4th House represents several things: our past, upbringing, and what keeps us comfortable. The 4th House is in the bottom of the chart, and it often provides a strong starting point and foundation for the native to work upon as the native grows up. Planets in the 4th House show the person investing part of themselves in maintaining this foundation.

For those who have Saturn in the 4th House, they can remember their upbringing and past somberly. Saturn is the planet which represents our struggle with the harsh reality, and for these people, their harsh reality started right in the beginning of life, in their place of origin. When it comes to recalling the past, it is easy for the Saturn in the 4th individual to remember all of the struggles they went through growing up. The individual can often feel nostalgically proud for overcoming such struggles, or the individual can also feel the strings of the past lingering as they go on to do their present actions.

One of these struggles is finding and designating their idea of comfort. These individuals are often skeptical when it comes to settling down and being comfortable because they are skilled (sometimes to their own detriment) on finding how certain areas of comfort can possibly crumble. They are very aware of how reality can quickly take away their own comfort as soon as they grab a hold of it.

Due to this, people with this placement can struggle to be comfortable for long periods of time. Once these people have to let go of a comfort that they’ve held onto, it can be devastating since these people are already very selective of their safe spaces in the first place. But once these individuals find a true sense of home, they will commit strongly, not wanting to let go. After all, these individuals work hard to be comfortable in their own skin.

People with Saturn in the 4th over time will master the skill of finding and assigning a true and healthy safe space. These people are often critical of unhealthy comfort mechanisms, and will often find a sense of comfort in such a way where they can healthily be comfortable, but also grow as an individual. Due to their struggles, these people strongly understand the importance of safety and how safety can either help us grow or decay, depending on where we assign our idea of safety to.

Saturn can often represent the disciplinary parent. For those with Saturn in the 4th, they often found their disciplinary parent to strongly dominate their upbringing. The upbringing is often very structured and enforced, and early on, people with this placement to see their disciplinary parent to be an authority figure.

This parent may have been very critical, making people with this placement mature and grow up a lot faster than their peers. The disciplinary parent may have prioritized responsibility over nurturing. Rather than comfort the individual in distress, the parent would prefer to help the child cope and get over the distress instead. Due to this, individuals with this placement did not see the disciplinary parent as a source of emotional nurturing and will often attempt to nurture themselves elsewhere.

The disciplinary parent brought the harshness of reality into the comfort of these individuals, making them experience the harsh outside world within the comfort of their home. While the disciplinary parent gave an accurate picture of reality, which helps the individuals realistically prepare for the world, the disciplinary parent did not provide an emotionally nurturing way for the individuals to cope with the world.

Having the harsh reality so heavily permeated into these people in their safe space can often have positive and negative consequences. Due to feeling the harshness of reality early, people with this placement are often productive and independent. People with Saturn in the 4th House know how to survive and are often trustworthy in regards to practical matters. There is a certain worldly intelligence to those with Saturn in the 4th House.

However, due to knowing how to survive well in the world, it can be difficult for these individuals to show their weaknesses. Their past strongly taught them to be strong, but sometimes, in teaching this, their past made them forget that in order to be truly strong, they must know what weakness feels. These people will struggle to show their vulnerabilities to others because they never learned or were encouraged to show it.

Saturn represents our expectations, and with Saturn in the 4th House, it can be difficult to know the expectations Saturn in the 4th individuals have. Saturn in the 4th individuals will often reflect of their expectations in their designated safe spaces, and in a sense, these individuals will use their expectations to remain safe. Unless a Saturn in the 4th individual finds you to be comfortable enough to be or live in their safe space, the expectations Saturn in the 4th individuals have in general are often kept under wraps. Their expectations are often strongly influenced by the disciplinary parent.

Saturn in the 4th House is a placement that aims to teach the management of the home, comfort, and past. People with this placement have the opportunity to gain a true sense of comfort and safety and to also be skilled in healthily processing their past experiences. However, these skills do not come without struggle. Those with Saturn in the 4th House know very well that our past experiences can often provide a solid foundation of our being, and it is up to us to manage our past experiences in such a way where we can cultivate our best selves.

Pluto in the 4th House

The 4th House represents several things: our past, upbringing, and what keeps us comfortable. The 4th House is in the bottom of the chart, and it often provides a strong starting point and foundation for the native to work upon as the native grows up. Planets in the 4th House show the person investing part of themselves in maintaining this foundation.

When Pluto is in the 4th House, the workings of the past and the person’s upbringing can be a great source of either self-empowerment or destruction. People with this placement are marked by their childhood. Even if the childhood was uneventful and insignificant from another perspective, the person with this placement would feel otherwise. To people with Pluto in the 4th House, their childhood was everything to them in an intense way.

The 4th House represents the “starting place” and for those with Pluto in the 4th House, these people can fear their past and roots due to the intense exposure they had with it. Due to this, people with this placement will usually not share information about their family or past. They keep their families and past under wraps as a way to protect themselves, but perhaps to also not confront the intense and sometimes terrifying hold their family and past can have on them. If the person sees their past and family to be something to be feared and hidden, their past and family will have a strong grip on them.

However, if the person sees their past to be a place of empowerment, the person will have a strong hold on their family and past. When a person with this placement accepts the darkness and secrets of their beginnings and sees it as a way to develop their strengths, this person can start using the hidden strength they’ve had all along: creating an unshakable and incredibly strong foundation for the self to grow on. People with this placement have the ability to reroot and restructure themselves. They have the ability to create a true, powerful sense of home. At their best, these people can create a sense of home that is empowering, intimate, and genuine.

People with this placement often seek for a true sense of home for they believe that finding strong roots is the way to empowerment. Due to this, they are often private, only letting those they truly trust into their safe space. If a person with this placement lets you into their safe space, they trust that you won’t hurt them in this safe space. Those with Pluto in the 4th can feel as if the safe space they strongly cling to can also transform to be their destructive space if it is controlled by the wrong people. Due to this, Pluto in the 4th people are often controlling of their safe space. They find power in their own vulnerability and comfort.

Pluto in the 4th people are skilled at adapting to many circumstances. Due to growing up early in an environment that was seen as secretly chaotic, these people know how to handle themselves in highly stressful situations. At their best, these people can find peace in even the most volatile situations. These people are often constructing and deconstructing their sense of home and safety, not only changing their home but also themselves during this process. Redefining safety and comfort is a way for these people to transform themselves for the better or worse.

While one’s upbringing with Pluto in the 4th House can often be secretive, manipulative, and chaotic, those with Pluto in the 4th House can also have a very intimate and passionate upbringing. Pluto brings intensity to the household, and when there are no power struggles or fear between the family members, people with this placement can build intimate and close relationships with their loved ones. Just as volatile circumstances can build one’s resistance to chaos, building intimate and genuine bonds with loved ones can help also.

People with this placement will often see one of their parents to be a powerful authority, for better or worse. Depending on the relationship, this parent could either have an intimate and close relationship to the person, or have power struggles with the person due to feeling discomfort. Either way, the relationship between people with this placement and their parents are often intense, and it’s often up to the parent to start their family dynamic to either be loving and genuine, or secretive and turbulent.

Intensity is something Pluto in the 4th individuals know early on. Knowing what to do with this intensity and how to handle intensity throughout their life is an important trial Pluto in the 4th individuals need to learn. By reevaluating what truly brings them comfort and power, Pluto in the 4th individuals have the opportunity to empower themselves from square one.

Neptune in the 4th House

The 4th House represents several things: our past, upbringing, and what keeps us comfortable. The 4th House is in the bottom of the chart, and it often provides a strong starting point and foundation for the native to work upon as the native grows up. Planets in the 4th House show the person investing part of themselves in maintaining this foundation.

Those with Neptune in the 4th may not have a truly correct and tangible idea of what their foundation of life is like. The foundations and values they were built up with can be a lot of things, but at the same time, nothing at all. These foundations and values may have been brought up by their family, or through the native’s past experiences. The native’s family and past are often secretive, yet confusing. With this confusion, a lot of the effects the native has gained from their past and family seeps out without the native consciously knowing.

The past of the native with this placement is hazy. The native may not talk much about their family, past, and upbringing because the native doesn’t know the past clearly. If the native does talk about the past, the native can fabricate stories and lies unconsciously, only noticing after the words have spilled from the mouth. Since the past is unclear, the native may be desperate and put on rose-colored glasses, thinking that an inaccurate view is better than no view at all.

There could be thoughts that a false foundation and past is better than none at all. The self after all can be built and strongly influenced by the foundation of the 4th House. If the native does not have a base, how can the native have a strong sense of self? The native can subconsciously and desperately seek for a past and family to cling onto to maintain a sense of self, even if it doesn’t exist. However, with this lack of existence, having Neptune in the 4th can provide the opportunity for the native to develop a foundation that is truly creative and true to themselves.

The family the Neptune in the 4th native may have grown up in was hard to describe. It may be hard for the native to know what was expected of them in the family, since the expectations can go from one extreme to another without the native noticing it. Perhaps the expectations are known, but the native has no idea on how to fulfill those expectations. These expectations depend on the sign ruling the 4th House.

The image of the native’s family can be very hazy for the native. One of the parents may have worked hard to maintain a certain image or ideal, and if the image and ideal wasn’t fulfilled, the parent may have tried to cover up that fact by putting on rose-colored lenses. Perhaps the native saw their past and family through rose-colored lenses. After all, secrets were never told, and a beautiful image may have been strongly maintained for the sake of tangible existence.

The arts may have been a strong factor in the native’s family. Perhaps one of the native’s parents was artistic, creative, and compassionate. The parent may have been influential in an understated manner or through the undercurrents of the family dynamic. However, one of the parents may have had a strong use of substances. Those with Neptune in the 4th may have had to take care of one of their parents due to the parent being unable to care for the native. One of the parents may have been very secretive and also manipulative, often making a strong tie to the native. There is often a strong tendency of victimization throughout the family.

Those with Neptune in the 4th House may dream of a home, past, or upbringing they never got. Perhaps they know what their past and upbringing looks like. They may dream of a comfort that doesn’t exist, a home that is impossible to realistically implement. Having Neptune in the 4th House can provide a native a strong base to be creative, sacrificial, and loving to others. However, the native can struggle to establish boundaries in other areas of their life, since they were raised in a life with little to no boundaries in the first place.