Trines and Jupiter: Ignorant Bliss

According to the Thema Mundi, trines are in the nature of Jupiter. Jupiter in our chart shows what parts of our lives come easily to us, and the positive opportunities we can take to grow. However, Jupiter can also show what we’ve taken for granted, and due to that, Jupiter can also show our ignorance of the important details that demand to be seen.

At its worst, Jupiter and trines in our chart can show where we are in ignorant bliss, which is the cost of being blessed. Often, when we are easily blessed with certain qualities, it’s hard for us to see the difficulties someone else may have.

For example, this can manifest as people creating certain assumptions about the human condition, only to realize that the human condition and struggle is truly unique to everyone. Someone with their Sun trine to Mars would say that their actions do align with their identity, so therefore, your actions guide who you are. That’s not true for those who have their Sun square to Mars, who feel that their actions trivialize the depth of their identity.

To see where you can be blissfully ignorant, look to the house Jupiter is in your chart and see which planets in your chart have a trine aspect. What is something you take for granted, and how does that shape the way you evaluate other people’s experiences?

Note: If you notice that you're ignorant in certain aspects, you're not a bad person. At all. Everyone is ignorant to some degree because none of us know everything! Ignorance is also a quality of the human condition.