Describing Gemini Rising Through the Houses

♊︎ 1H: Getting to know a Gemini Rising is like reading a story. They try their best to make sure that their identity lacks plot holes, and that they're in some way compelling. They can limit themselves in terms of not giving themselves a chance to be irrationally mysterious.

♋︎ 2H: When it comes to matters of possessions, Gemini Risings tend to cling to what is familiar to them even though they don't want to admit it. There's often an emotional connection to their belongings and their spending habits are often based on the whims of their comfort.

♌︎ 3H: The local culture and early environment is important for Gemini Risings. They can be sensitive to remarks about their local culture because it's their culture that helps them form their first story about themselves. They stand out in the community, for better or worse.

♍︎ 4H: Gemini Risings did not have the time to daydream when it came to their family. Their upbringing taught them how to time manage and how to optimize reality. Keeping up discipline, consistency, and practicality was a common theme in their past.

♎︎ 5H: Gemini Risings define happiness as enjoying life with the people you love by your side. On first dates, they're flirty, sociable, yet secretive on ugly information. They like to enjoy activities and hobbies that involve other people.

♏︎ 6H: Gemini Risings are the secretive coworkers who want to quietly do their work and go home. To them, the workplace is a place to utilize time, not waste it. They strongly seek to control their daily life, and tend not to share their daily details to others due to this.

♐︎ 7H: Gemini Risings fall in love with people who do not need facts and rationalization to feel comfortable with themselves. They seek for people who are open-minded and adventurous, but can dislike arrogance that makes no logical sense.

♑︎ 8H: Gemini Risings are terrifying if you drive them into a corner. When it comes to matters of obligations and power struggles, they give off an air of unquestioned power and authority. They take obligations seriously, and will expect you to also.

♒︎ 9H: Gemini Risings are aware of the problems of the world, but they believe that the world can still be saved. They see themselves as superheroes of the world, wanting to see an empowered order. However, gray morals can make them struggle with what the world should be like.

♓︎ 10H: Gemini Risings are looking for a place to be creative and understanding when it comes to their career. They seek to be radically understanding and compassionate to others, striving to make unbreakable connections that do not need to be justified by logic.

♈︎ 11H: Gemini Risings are often the initiator of the group. They usually are the ones who "take it for the team," and are also the ones who defend their friends. They can also be combative and immature, but they aren't afraid to speak the truth either.

♉︎ 12H: Gemini Risings often do not register when they are being stubborn and inflexible. It's hard for them to admit it. They fear that change and novelty is what builds them up, and a lack of novelty makes them irrelevant and boring. The secret goal is secure tranquility.