The Inevitable Square Between Planets in the 4th and 7th House

Unless you're doing degree-based aspects, and you're not using Whole Sign Houses, planets in the 4th house square planets in the 7th House. I really want to explain this square because this is a square I see talked about all over Twitter. Relationship dynamics affected by family.

It's hard to talk about the 4th House. The 4th House is the house that's down underground. The 4th House is the unseen, but very important roots of a tree. But the 4th House is also your very first reference. Your family and past is the very first reference you make.

You got a family first before you got an identity. What your family does in your very first years of life is highly important to the creation of your own identity, the reference you will actively create and change on your own. But your family and past is a GIVEN reference. You didn't ask for a family. You didn't ask for this first reference. You have no control on what your family's like, and the kind of reference you will be making and spreading as you grow up. Since you didn't create this reference, it takes awhile to even figure out your family.

How does the 7th House relate to the 4th House in terms of references? Your 7th House, your relationships, sheds difficult, harsh light onto your 4th House. It feels like being in a very dark room, only for your relationships to be the harsh light of realization that pours in. (Your 1st House, your own identity, also does this too but I wanna talk about the 7th House)

It's your lovers that point out how abusive your family was. Often, it's experiencing a truly loving relationship dynamic to realize how starved you were when it came to love. Often, it's repeating your family dynamics into another relationship to realize how wrong it all was. In addition to your own self identity that you create (1st House,) the 7th House, your relationships, become the counter reference to your 4th House. It's jarring to hear your relationships say one thing about you, and your family saying something completely different.

Both the 1st and 7th House both undermine the power of the 4th House by exposing it. By shedding light into the darkness. Invading privacy and "what you've always known" with the uncomfortable call to be present rather than be stuck in the past.

Isn't it weird how you can't be present in the present and past at the same time, and it seems like you have to be in one or the other? I think in reality, all simultaneous timelines - past, present, future are playing at the same time within us. We just have to choose which timeline works best. The past is amazing for some, the present is grounding, and the future gives direction. There's pros and cons for employing all three - and I think this square and highlight the pros and cons of it all.