9th house

Sun in the 9th House

The 9th House gives insight to what and how we formulate our views of the world, manifesting as religion and philosophy. The 9th House shows our conception of the world. Distancing ourselves from the small details and summarizing what we witness in foreign situations is found by the 9th House. Traveling and long distance is also covered in this house. In terms of relationships, the 9th House shows how we try to make our relationships flexible to the circumstances of the world.

For those with this placement, their identity and sense of self is tied to their personal world view. Growing up, people with this placement will often be sensitive to worldly events - for witnessing world events, evaluating these events, and then creating a world view is an important part of creating the identity. It’s important for these individuals to pay careful attention to the news, being sure to create a world view that reinforces their identity positively and healthily.

It’s also important for these individuals to be able to freely practice their world view into their lives. For these individuals, practicing one’s ideal religion and/or philosophy is a way for these people to express themselves. These individuals will often dislike being forced to practice a religion or philosophy they don’t necessarily believe in. They feel by practicing a religion or philosophy they didn’t choose to practice, they aren’t being authentic. Choosing a philosophy and religion that helps these people live what they believe is an authentic life is essential.

The starting philosophy, religion, or lack of belief these people grew up with will strongly affect them, whether these people like this starting philosophy or religion or not. These starting beliefs often color their own identity, and if these people do not like the belief system they have started with, it can be hard for these people to completely separate from their starting belief system, for pieces of their identity are tied to these beliefs, even if they dislike them. It can be difficult for these people to separate themselves.

However, it’s with these struggles where these people can often gather the skills to find a world view that works for them. These people believe that one should adopt a world view that helps them live out an authentic identity. However, due to having a such a strong tie between their identity and beliefs, these people can often be easily offended by those who argue against their beliefs. They feel that arguing against their beliefs is arguing against their own identity. For some of these individuals, they find their true identity themselves through finding and following the beliefs they want to adopt.

While these people can have strong and fueled reactions against those who do not support their philosophical and/or religious beliefs, these people are often open-minded, intelligent, and sensitive to other people’s religious views. Due to their identities having such a strong tie to their beliefs, they will often treat others with respect and curiosity in regards to their world view. These people will often not judge another person’s beliefs, for they see belief to be a personal experience - especially for themselves.

These people can also find themselves through traveling. They feel that they are not completely themselves doing mundane activities. By traveling to foreign places, by seeing novelties of all kinds, they feel understood. These people can often feel better understood by unknown places and individuals than people they have known all their life. In a sense, to see the novelty of the world is to see the novelty and uniqueness within themselves. When these people are mindful of their journeys, they often discover a lot about themselves.

However, due to finding themselves in the unknown and through constructed beliefs, it can be difficult for people with this placement to be grounded in the actual world. Rather than living their life in the actual world, they often live their life in their conception of the world. These people often feel distant, for they’re often thinking on a mental plane that often isn’t aligned with others and with the world.

The unknown workings of reality can often be difficult for these people to handle. When these people’s beliefs are challenged by the unknown, they don’t just feel their beliefs being challenged - they feel that their identity is challenged. Due to this, these people can often face an unwanted reality check. At one moment, they feel like they have a solid, constructive grip on reality (belief) and the next moment, they’re not quite sure what to believe in anymore.

Regardless of the challenges these individuals face, having the Sun in the 9th House is a placement that helps an individual test the strength of beliefs. By having a strong connection between the identity and belief, individuals with this placement are sure to take belief seriously. These individuals teach that belief is not a foolish way to assume the workings of the world. Belief is a way to tolerate and embrace the unknown, to remind us that we are only simply human to a grand unknown world waiting for discovery.