
Sun in the 9th House

The 9th House gives insight to what and how we formulate our views of the world, manifesting as religion and philosophy. The 9th House shows our conception of the world. Distancing ourselves from the small details and summarizing what we witness in foreign situations is found by the 9th House. Traveling and long distance is also covered in this house. In terms of relationships, the 9th House shows how we try to make our relationships flexible to the circumstances of the world.

For those with this placement, their identity and sense of self is tied to their personal world view. Growing up, people with this placement will often be sensitive to worldly events - for witnessing world events, evaluating these events, and then creating a world view is an important part of creating the identity. It’s important for these individuals to pay careful attention to the news, being sure to create a world view that reinforces their identity positively and healthily.

It’s also important for these individuals to be able to freely practice their world view into their lives. For these individuals, practicing one’s ideal religion and/or philosophy is a way for these people to express themselves. These individuals will often dislike being forced to practice a religion or philosophy they don’t necessarily believe in. They feel by practicing a religion or philosophy they didn’t choose to practice, they aren’t being authentic. Choosing a philosophy and religion that helps these people live what they believe is an authentic life is essential.

The starting philosophy, religion, or lack of belief these people grew up with will strongly affect them, whether these people like this starting philosophy or religion or not. These starting beliefs often color their own identity, and if these people do not like the belief system they have started with, it can be hard for these people to completely separate from their starting belief system, for pieces of their identity are tied to these beliefs, even if they dislike them. It can be difficult for these people to separate themselves.

However, it’s with these struggles where these people can often gather the skills to find a world view that works for them. These people believe that one should adopt a world view that helps them live out an authentic identity. However, due to having a such a strong tie between their identity and beliefs, these people can often be easily offended by those who argue against their beliefs. They feel that arguing against their beliefs is arguing against their own identity. For some of these individuals, they find their true identity themselves through finding and following the beliefs they want to adopt.

While these people can have strong and fueled reactions against those who do not support their philosophical and/or religious beliefs, these people are often open-minded, intelligent, and sensitive to other people’s religious views. Due to their identities having such a strong tie to their beliefs, they will often treat others with respect and curiosity in regards to their world view. These people will often not judge another person’s beliefs, for they see belief to be a personal experience - especially for themselves.

These people can also find themselves through traveling. They feel that they are not completely themselves doing mundane activities. By traveling to foreign places, by seeing novelties of all kinds, they feel understood. These people can often feel better understood by unknown places and individuals than people they have known all their life. In a sense, to see the novelty of the world is to see the novelty and uniqueness within themselves. When these people are mindful of their journeys, they often discover a lot about themselves.

However, due to finding themselves in the unknown and through constructed beliefs, it can be difficult for people with this placement to be grounded in the actual world. Rather than living their life in the actual world, they often live their life in their conception of the world. These people often feel distant, for they’re often thinking on a mental plane that often isn’t aligned with others and with the world.

The unknown workings of reality can often be difficult for these people to handle. When these people’s beliefs are challenged by the unknown, they don’t just feel their beliefs being challenged - they feel that their identity is challenged. Due to this, these people can often face an unwanted reality check. At one moment, they feel like they have a solid, constructive grip on reality (belief) and the next moment, they’re not quite sure what to believe in anymore.

Regardless of the challenges these individuals face, having the Sun in the 9th House is a placement that helps an individual test the strength of beliefs. By having a strong connection between the identity and belief, individuals with this placement are sure to take belief seriously. These individuals teach that belief is not a foolish way to assume the workings of the world. Belief is a way to tolerate and embrace the unknown, to remind us that we are only simply human to a grand unknown world waiting for discovery.

Sun in the 12th House

The 12th House can often simultaneously represent freedom and imprisonment at the same time. Our dreams and subconscious, free, but also contained spaces are represented in the 12th House. Prisons and hospitals are often represented in the 12th House because prisoners and patients are restricted to stay in the building, but they are free from the brutality of the societal norms outside.

When the Sun is in the 12th House, a person’s true identity is hidden within their subconscious. This identity is only completely seen in utmost privacy, and for the native, they can often cherish, yet also dislike the fact that their identity is hidden. However, due to the simultaneous revealing and hiding nature of the 12th House, others can see fragments of the native’s identity and they are left to construct an identity they don’t quite understand. Parts of the person’s identity often slips out of the subconscious without the person knowing.

Due to this, those with the Sun in the 12th House can feel misunderstood by others. They can feel that people construct an image of them that isn’t true. However, there are times where people with this placement struggle to know if the identity they made themselves is even true. Due to this, people with this placement can often feel lost in themselves, wondering what about themselves is exactly true and isn’t true. Due to being misunderstood by others, a lot of this inner thinking is full of doubt, since there isn’t a lot of feedback.

Being misunderstood by others as a result can make these people struggle with being in the spotlight. It’s a paradoxical struggle, for these people want to find themselves and to secretly shine, yet at the same time, they shy away from the spotlight, not knowing what parts of themselves will illuminate. However, part of this struggle comes from how their identity was shoved into the shadows. These people are often never allowed to shine, and due to this, these people may wonder if their identity is too intolerable to show to others.

These individuals may not have been encouraged to have a strong identity growing up, and due to this, their identity is scattered, parts of it showing in certain occasions. While there is a disunity, there is flexibility. In a sense, this flexibility in identity makes these people elusive and enigmatic. These people can often seem fascinating to curious individuals. Due to this, others can try to pry in these people’s lives, making it even more important for these individuals to keep their privacy. The identity of these people are only unified by themselves.

However, this flexibility in identity is often the case due to the person engulfing the identity of others. This is one of the reasons why people with this placement are often in solitude. Seeing the many various identities of others can often be overwhelming for sometimes, these people can struggle to handle their own identity. By being in solitude, these people can recharge and reassess who they are. Even if these people have a strong group of friends and lovers, they will still need alone time, and often, this need for alone time is a good way for these people to determine which friends and lovers are worth staying with.

Many of these individuals will often have a strong imagination, finding that their flexible identity is shown best through subjects that can not be easily found in reality. People with this placement will often get immersed with characters in TV shows, video games, and other mediums where they feel that can have a solid grip on themselves. It’s not that these individuals literally believe they are these fantasy characters, it’s that these individuals find that their identities are best articulated by these characters. Also, the message in some of these mediums can often present a possible path and purpose for these individuals, for these people often struggle to find an identity because they struggle to find a purpose to sustain it. These individuals feel that they are not correctly identified by conscious reality.

With the feeling of being lost, people with this placement are often introspective, and they will often spend a lot of time by themselves. In their solitude, these people will often do activities that reflect their identity. By doing the personal, private activities they enjoy, these people can work to have a truly intimate sense of self that is constructed by themselves and only themselves.

At their best, an individual with their Sun in the 12th House can construct a truly genuine sense of self that defies the current societal understanding of having a strong identity. Even with flexibility and change, these people have the potential to show that you don’t have to maintain a set, foundational identity to have a strong identity. Individuals with this placement show that strong identities are identities that are flexible enough to withstand adversity. An individual with their Sun in the 12th House can have a strong intimate relationship with themselves that can’t be shaken by the circumstances of reality.

Sun in the 8th House

The 8th House is often a house talked about, for it is a house that is uncomfortably revealing, but also secretive at the same time. With secrets comes shame, and matters of the 8th House aren’t revealed easily. The 8th House at its core represents the ways of merging two souls into one, whether it be through life, death, shared possessions, or through intimate relationships. The merge is often rare and transformative - and is not for the light-hearted.

With the Sun in the 8th House, the person’s sense of identity is hidden. Natives with this placement think that they know who they really are, which drives them to hide themselves, especially the part of themselves they don’t find to be likable or pleasing. These people are often good at giving enough information about themselves to where people aren’t curious, but at the end of the day, nobody knows much about these people.

However, while these people think they they know the identity they’re concealing, their identity and the people themselves change while it is purposely hidden. The longer the natives chooses to hide themselves, the more change their identity will take underneath. People with this placement often become very paranoid, so there is a suspicious, but also investigative vibe to their identity. These people are very careful with handling information about themselves.

Also, in regards to the changes their identities can take, after hiding and concealing their identity for a long time, the paranoia and suspicion that can take over these secretive individuals can often manifest into illusions about their identity. The constant paranoia and suspicion can often twist the identity to where the native often think that the negative parts of their self-expression is overly exaggerated, dramatic, and unlikable when it really isn’t. The more the native tries to use fear rather than empowerment to hide their identity, the more twisted their identity can be.

Due to the secretive nature of these individuals, they can often feel lonely in a large group of people. Even though they’re going through the motions of social interaction with other people, the meaningless of shallow talk doesn’t satisfy these individuals. Often, in a social gathering where the native is surrounded by people they are not close to, they can often feel lost in a social fog. There’s a feeling of being separated from others even when people accept them, for these people think that as long as parts of themselves are hidden, they’re not completely accepted.

Due to this reason, these natives can also be very extreme in their relationships. When it comes to acceptance and intimacy, it truly is all-or-nothing. These people expect complete acceptance from those they choose to trust, and in return, they will completely accept other people. If this exchange works out, then the native will have a budding intimate relationship. However, if this exchange fails, there can often be many power struggles between the native and the other person.

However, when the native chooses to conceal themselves out of realizing their own power rather than their own fear, the native often becomes powerful and self-sufficient. There is a self-awareness that the native can use to keep themselves stable in situations where others try to hurt them. These natives will often develop healthy boundaries, only letting good people in and keeping the toxic people out.

Due to being secretive individuals, these people are often very perceptive of other people. It’s often easy for these people to have a general picture of what someone is like before talking extensively to them. It’s also easy for these people to find the secret flaws in others, and due to this, it’s not easy for them to make deep relationships. With that in mind, Intimate relationships are incredibly important for these people.

Intimate relationships are very important for these people because these people will only reveal who they truly are to those they feel safe and intimate with. With that being said, the native can often have a few close relationships, the native often strongly valuing them. The nature and workings of the intimate relationship is also important for these people, for these people identify themselves most naturally through the intimate people they choose to be with. With that being said, these people need to be careful with who they choose to be intimate with, for it’s hard for these people to let their loved ones go. To let these loved ones go means to let a part of themselves go.

These natives often define themselves through the major changes they face in their life. These natives are never quite the same after going through an important or traumatic event, especially the death of a loved one, or a figurative death in themselves. However, these natives also define themselves through the new, fresh birth of self-expression. In regards to self-expression, there are several transformations, with the native defining themselves through each transformation. Eventually, the native will often see a timeline where they’ve seen themselves in certain phases in certain stages of their life.

Having the Sun in the 8th House is a powerful placement. People with this placement are often very socially intuitive early on due to having a lot of practice with micromanaging their self-expressions. While the natives of this placement could be ashamed of their self-expression, what these natives need to learn is that through their concealment, they are not only hiding their unlikable selves, but also their potential and power. Once the natives know this, they will empower themselves and be unstoppable.

Sun in the 7th House

The 7th House rules over your one-on-one interactions with people. Your general and initial relationship dynamics start with the 7th House. With the 7th House, you are face-to-face with another individual, constantly projecting and sharing parts of yourself. In a sense, every interaction you have is a simultaneous exchange and revealing of the self and the other. The 7th House is commonly associated with a mirror.

With the Sun in the 7th House, the self is often found in other people. Natives with this placement can often find pieces of themselves in other people, using those pieces to accumulate a sense of self. However, what this native can struggle with is self-discovery. With any planet in the 7th House, the native relies on the people they interact with to express a certain planet for them. With the Sun in the 7th, the native unconsciously expects people to show or tell them who they are.

With this in mind, self-confidence can be an issue. With any planet in the 7th House, the condition of the planet is dependent on others, which can be inconsistent. The native’s sense of self is inconsistent. The native’s ego in the eyes of the native can frequently change depending on what they receive when they interact with others. It’s important that those with their Sun in the 7th House interact with people who are positive, but also honestly constructive.

While self-discovery and self-ownership is something the Sun in the 7th native struggles with, what the Sun in the 7th native does best is discover others. Since the ego is tied to the house of interactions, the native is quite perceptive and observant of other people. Often, those with their Sun in the 7th can naturally detect what other people need in terms of their ego and sense of self. With the Sun in the 7th, the native chooses to put the spotlight on the other person.

With this in mind, the native can often highlight the other person’s good and bad points. The native, through social nuances, can fulfill the other person’s ego and give a strong sense of confidence to others. In this sense, Sun in the 7th natives can bring others a lot of inspiration. Sun in the 7th natives can be quite likable people, since they are often very diplomatic and pleasant. There is often a warm, safe vibe with these natives.

In relationships, Sun in the 7th natives are quite giving, perhaps even sacrificial. Again, with the spotlight placed onto the other person, the native often prioritizes the needs of the other person before themselves. Those with Sun in the 7th House like to showcase their good relationships, for they feel that their good relationships will show the best parts of themselves. This showcasing can be done consciously or unconsciously, for doing this can be a part of self-expression for the native. The native may have a sense of pride and attachment to the positive relationships they create.

However, where the Sun is located in the chart shows a sensitive point in the natal chart. The relationship dynamics that occur for the Sun in the 7th has a strong effect on them. If the native has a negative, unhealthy relationship with someone, that relationship will take a toll of them. Sun in the 7th natives can be quite offended when others offend the people they value interacting with. To hurt the people they care about hurts them also. Sun in the 7th natives are very protective of their relationships, for the better or worse.

Since the native is comfortably inclined to put the spotlight on themselves, a few things can occur: a lack of self-awareness and a lack of caring for the self. When this placement is undeveloped, the native can be quite hypocritical. While the native is skilled at finding characteristics of others, they can struggle to find characteristics in themselves. This can result in the native pointing out the negative aspects of other people, but refusing to point those same negative aspects in themselves. This is because the native can often struggle to own themselves, positively and negatively.

With this lack of ownership, the native can also struggle to take care of themselves mainly because they can place other people over themselves. There’s a natural tendency to conceal the native’s personal needs because they either aren’t aware of what they need, or because they believe their needs deserve to be fulfilled after the person they’re interacting with. People who often interact with the native can feel as if they’re talking to themselves, because the presence of the native is so hidden.

With the 7th House also being the house of open enemies, those who dislike the native will most likely attempt to attack the native’s ego. The native’s ego and sense of self is easily accessible to those who dislike the native. This accessibility can often account for the sensitivity found in the Sun in the 7th natives. The native will often dislike individuals who are overly egotistical and arrogant, but at the same time, they can refuse to see the arrogance they have in themselves at certain times.

Sun-Moon Midpoints

Sun-Moon midpoints are so interesting. It’s essentially the balanced blend of energies between two planets. For the Sun-Moon midpoint specifically, it is the blend of the external and internal energies. Your midpoints often shows a sense of comfort in natal chart, and it could perhaps be the “spot” you’re striving for when it comes to balancing certain planetary energies.

But what’s interesting is the relationship between the Sun-Moon midpoint and the planets involved to make that midpoint. Note that midpoints, like aspects, are calculated using the exact degrees, or location of the planets in the natal chart. Only major aspects between the Sun and Moon will be discussed.

To clarify, these situations will not occur unless you have other planets that are conjunct to your Sun-Moon midpoint or if you encounter someone whose planets are conjunct to your Sun-Moon midpoint. The Sun-Moon midpoint is a sensitive, but passive point on your natal chart that will not be activated unless it makes an aspect to a planet.

For those with a Sun conjunct Moon aspect, their Sun-Moon midpoint will be conjunct to the Sun and Moon. This means that the Sun-Moon midpoint will function neutrally with the planets involved. However, this neutral energy is strong, for this energy can either go for better or worse. A conjunction is seen to be a union or fusion between two planets, and the Sun-Moon midpoint proves this point further, for it does represent a fusion of energies between two planets. Example: Sun in Gemini conjunct Moon in Gemini. The Sun-Moon midpoint is in Gemini.

For those with a Sun opposing Moon aspect, their Sun-Moon midpoint will be square to the Sun and Moon. This means that the Sun-Moon midpoint will function uncomfortably with the individual planets involved. While the native can feel comfortable with the energies of the Sun-Moon midpoint, they feel like this comfort doesn’t show a genuine sense of who they are externally and internally. There is a simultaneously comfortable, but unsettling block with expressing the self. Example: Sun in Aries opposing Moon in Libra. The Sun-Moon midpoint is in Capricorn.

For those with a Sun trine Moon aspect, their Sun-Moon midpoint will be sextile to the Sun and Moon. This means that the Sun-Moon midpoint will function harmoniously with the planets involved in the sense that the environment to express such energies will be favorable. While the means of expression is different, the environment of expression is the same. This shows that the expression of energies will flow freely. Example: Sun in Scorpio trine Moon in Cancer. The Sun-Moon midpoint is in Virgo.

For those with a Sun sextile Moon aspect, their Sun-Moon midpoint will be semisextile to the planets in involved. A semisextile aspect can give a neutral aspect that can bring annoyance or clarity to the native. The native may feel that the Sun-Moon midpoint is very much a balance point in the sense that it provides something different. Those with a Sun sextile Moon aspect often express their energies in the same polarity, but the Sun-Moon midpoint provides an opportunity in the sense that it will present a different polarity, a different environment to express. Example: Sun in Capricorn sextile Moon in Pisces. The Sun-Moon midpoint is in Aquarius.

For those with a Sun square Moon aspect, their Sun-Moon midpoint will be semisquare to the planets involved. With a semisquare, there is indeed a tension that the native can struggle to overcome. With a semisquare, one planet will be sextile strictly in terms of the signs while the other sign will be semisextile strictly in terms of the signs. While the sextile and semisextile are harmonious and neutral respectively, this mixture can often result in confusion. This means that one planet may work better than the other, but with this, the disfunction between the other planet can bring a block to the planet working harmoniously with the midpoint. Example: Sun in Cancer square Moon in Aries. The Sun-Moon midpoint is in Taurus.

Sex with the Signs

So I got a lot of asks about my favorite subject so I thought, why not make a post about it? And if you’re not sexual, ignore this. But if you are, READ! Also, when reading, check your Sun AND your Mars. I personally believe your Sun and Mars are the two planets that give the most insight about what you’d be like in the bedroom!

ARIES: The Spark. Aries aren’t sentimental and sensual. They won’t take it slow. Quite the opposite actually! They honestly just want to rip your clothes off and get to it. Aries have a very high sex drive. They’re extremely passionate and confident and they’ll leave you breathless. They like to dominate their partner, but they also get extremely turned on if they’re forced into a submissive position. Aries also like to have sex in places where they could be caught to ramp up the excitement.

TAURUS: The Sensual. Tauruses will take their time when it comes to being with someone in bed. They’re the type to slowly unbutton your shirt, and to give you a lot of eye contact before doing the deed. There will be candles lit and lots of rose petals on the bed. Tauruses are extremely sensual and romantic, relishing every second they have with you. They also have a strong endurance, so they could keep going longer than others! Tauruses are also quite possessive of their partners, so once they have you, you’re stuck. After all, they also worked slowly and patiently to pursue you!

GEMINI: The Dynamic. Geminis love to have a variety and a lot of communication, and they like to take this into the bedroom! Geminis love dirty talk. They’ll most likely whisper sexy things into your ear, and maybe stimulate your mind more than your body. Geminis are unpredictable, and you’ll never really know what they’ll do to you. There’s a lot of energy when you’re with a Gemini. They’ll probably want to do a lot of different things when they’re with a partner to keep things interesting. They can get easily bored, so if they don’t care about your feelings, they could jump to another partner.

CANCER: The Nurturer. Cancers are extremely emotional and when they’re in the bedroom, they’ll want to stimulate your emotions and connect to you on an emotional level. When you’re having sex with a Cancer, your needs will come before theirs. They will try to please you the best way they can However, if you want to please a Cancer, nurture their feelings since they are quite sensitive. They like their sex to be gentle and sweet, and they don’t mind being submissive. However, they don’t like rough sex. Keep it romantic.

LEO: The Entertainer. For Leos, sex is a stage. It’s a chance for them to show their skills, and they want to be praised for it. How sex with a Leo goes depends on how much you compliment them while they’re doing it with you. The more you tell or show them how good they are, the better they’ll do. They’ll be more eager to please you! They do aim to please you, but they can be selfish in bed. However, having sex with a Leo is intense. They have high sex drives and they expect loyalty in the bedroom.

VIRGO: The Servant. Virgos will aim to please you every time. They’re extremely selfless in bed, and they will not leave the bed until they know what exactly turns you on. If you’re wondering how to turn on a Virgo… let them know that they’re turning you on! In fact, they’ll memorize it and aim for perfection the next time around. Virgos are extremely sensual and kinky, but only if they feel physically comfortable. They won’t have a good time if they find anything out of place, or anything dirty. Because they like to serve, they also wouldn’t mind being submissive.

LIBRA: The Romantic. Libras are more romantic than sexual, if anything. Libras are more concerned with pleasing you, and they’d like their sex to be peaceful, calm, and romantic. They don’t like rough sex, and they may be too focused on pleasing you instead of thinking about themselves. Because they want to please you so much, it’d be very hard to please them. They can be quite detached in the bedroom. They want their sex to be relaxing since they’re always stressed out with keeping things peaceful.

SCORPIO: The Intimate. Scorpios want to completely dominate and engulf you when they have sex with you. Scorpios are known to be good at sex, and it’s true! Sex comes naturally to them like a first language and they know exactly what turns people on. They are however quite loyal and possessive, so they usually don’t like the idea of nightstands. They may not have sex often, but when they do, they make it count. They truly see sex as a way to get truly intimate with someone, and they mainly aim for intimacy.

SAGITTARIUS: The Adventurer. Having sex with a Sagittarius is like going on a road trip: an adventure. Sagittariuses love to explore in the bedroom and they’re quite open-minded to where they can be quite wild! Although passionate, they also like intellectual stimulation. A Sagittarius would love an intimate, intellectual conversation while cuddling after. Although they’re faithful, they can be easily bored. They like to change things up, and they don’t like routines.

CAPRICORN: The Crazy One. Capricorns have a calm exterior to them that would make you think they’re practical and mature. It’s true, they are mature, but what you don’t know is that they’re secretly crazy and probably really kinky because they hide this side of themselves. Capricorns are extremely lustful and if they’re aroused, they’ll definitely go for you since they have little self-control once they’re provoked. They’re a freak in the sheets, and they’ll usually try anything if it’s weird.

AQUARIUS: The Innovative. Aquariuses are inventive when it comes to sex. They like to think about the million possibilities they can do in the bedroom, and they would like a partner who would do the same, but have them think that they’re superior. They definitely don’t go the traditional route when it comes to sex, and they may like open relationships and multiple partners. They don’t like to tie emotions into their sex life. Sex is very, very interesting with an Aquarius.

PISCES: The Martyr. Pisces are extremely romantic and sensual when it comes to sex. They tend to daydream about sex, and having sex with them could be a dreamy, otherworldly experience. A Pisces will most definitely stir your innermost emotions while making love to you. They are willing to be submissive in bed because they’re used to sacrificing for others. They will literally do anything for you in the bedroom.