Why You Don't Do Self Care, and Why You Should

Disclaimer: Everybody’s personal self-care and mental health is different. You know your personal mental health and self-care approaches best. This thread only aims to help and provide new ideas, inspiration, and insights on self-care. Do what you know is best for you.

The Moon is the planet of nurturing, dictating your gut instinct and how you situate yourself comfortably into the world. Self-care can be defined as your personal method when it comes to healthily situate yourself in a world that promises no guarantees.

However, whether it be due to circumstances or certain people in our lives, it’s difficult for us to take care of ourselves. We can stop ourselves from doing self-care, ultimately harming ourselves when we forget that we deserve to feel comfortable as human beings.

In this thread, I will specifically look into how disharmonious aspects (squares, oppositions, sometimes conjunctions) made to the Moon can determine why one can deny self-care, and from there, I’ll explain why they shouldn’t deny that self-care and care for themselves.

Harsh Sun/Moon aspect: You deny self-care because you feel that your identity will be jeopardized. Do you not trust in the strength of your identity? Do you think you can lose yourself so easily by caring for yourself? Self-care builds your identity. It doesn’t destroy it.

Harsh Moon/Venus aspect: You deny self-care because you fear that you can break your connections with others. You feel as if self-care can make you feel undesirable. Self-care seeks to not only help you value yourself but to also weed out any inauthentic relationships you have.

Harsh Moon/Mercury aspect: You deny self-care because it causes a mental dissonance. You feel that your self-care can threaten the quality of your thoughts and words. Self-care can only help and enhance your message, not threaten it. Trust your mind.

Harsh Moon/Mars aspect: You deny self-care because you think caring for yourself will cause conflict. You feel as if self-care can get in your way when it comes to doing what you want. Conflict is inevitable, and self-care is the best way to prepare yourself.

Harsh Moon/Jupiter aspect: You are much more likely to practice self-sabotage disguised as self-care. You can struggle to know what true self-care is. What is your truth, and how can true self-care get you there? Tools and opportunities can be lethal if you can’t use them well.

Harsh Moon-Saturn aspect: You deny self-care because you don’t think you deserve it. Even if you did, you think that the world will be harsh enough to take that self-care away. What will it take for you to deserve self-care? Are your expectations made out of reality or fear?

Harsh Moon-Uranus aspect: You deny self-care because you feel that you’re too erratic and predictable to care for. You feel as if your self-care will be inconsistent. However, you are always entitled to self-care, no matter how unconventional and different you are.

Harsh Moon-Neptune aspect: You deny self-care because you don’t really know how to start, and how it’ll go. You feel as if your self-care can be ambiguous. There are no strict rules on self-care. As long as you are caring for yourself with healthy limits, you’ll do well.

Harsh Moon-Pluto aspect: You deny self-care because you feel as if self-care can enable destruction and corruption. You think that self-care can make one lose their inner power to control and obsession. However, with self-care, you can never give your inner power and trust away.