How to Argue Better with Your Mercury Sign

Every Mercury sign has their own strengths when it comes to communicating and arguing. However, every Mercury sign has a weakness, and it's important to watch out for these qualities since communicating happens everyday!

♈︎ ☿: Being direct, honest, and blunt with your words mean nothing if you're going to be rude about it. The passion you put into your arguments doesn't automatically make you right either. Do you feel attacked when someone disagrees with you? Are you arguing to learn or win?

♉︎ ☿: Part of good arguing is continuing the flow of exchanging information. However, being stubborn stops that flow. You may hold onto what you've always thought was right, but you ultimately stop a potentially constructive and productive argument that could've happened.

♊︎ ☿: Logic and rationality make sense. However, logic and rationality can also be reductive, eliminating nuance. Sometimes, some arguments need room for nuance that may not be understood right away. Don't give up on an argument that seems to make no sense at first.

♋︎ ☿: It's not that what you've always known and done is wrong. However, the world changes, and eventually, you'll have to change too. The arguments you've clung to tightly for years could be downright wrong tomorrow. You have to be ready to accept that.

♌︎ ☿: A bad argument can't be covered up by theatrics and charisma. If your argument sucks, it sucks. Also, a disagreement is not a personal attack on you. Not everyone has to think and argue like you, and that's okay. After all, there's only one you, and be confident in that.

♍︎ ☿: The details and facts can save an argument, but there's a difference between saving an argument and losing yourself over what the argument was even about in the first place. Details are helpful until they become impractical. Remember the big picture when you argue.

♎︎ ☿: Are you really learning anything new if you're just echoing what people want you to say? If so, what's the point of arguing, or communicating really? Don't be surprised when you only deal with shallow topics. The deep topics come with friction and vulnerability.

♏︎ ☿: Sometimes, the answer is right in front of your face, with no need to investigate or to delve deeper into the matter. Your investigating skills are noteworthy, but you need to realize that your skills are limited and should be utilized at the right time and argument.

♐︎ ☿: It's important to know the difference between fact and belief before someone starts to find holes in your argument. While it's good know the bigger picture, there's no point in knowing the big picture if you can't support it with facts and express yourself concisely.

♑︎ ☿: You are not the world's spokesperson, so don't assume that your arguments are always practical and realistic when really, you're scared of considering other possibilities. Being able to communicate with others is the best way to being successful in life.

♒︎ ☿: Communicating is all about exchanging, and it's hard to exchange when you're isolated, assuming that no one will understand what you're saying. If your thoughts are truly progressive, it should be accessible and understandable to others. Words shouldn't be alienating.

♓︎ ☿: If you can't explain your argument concisely in a few words, redo your argument. Life is complex, but understanding is inevitably reductive. Your arguments should be understandable because otherwise, people will be overwhelmed by the way you communicate.

Retrograde Planets in the Natal Chart

Retrograde planets are evidence that we live in a world where growth is not linear. Not everything in life goes in one direction, and sometimes, it is necessary to reflect, go backwards, and to redo things. You can't take things back, but you can always do things over.

Retrograde planets tend to slow things down so that you could get a perspective you didn't see before. You can't know everything from one glance, and retrograde planets will teach you this for better or worse.

℞ ☿: Those with a retrograde Mercury have the opportunity to reflect and think over how they communicate with others and how they think. These individuals work hard for clarity and they make sure that exchanges between them and others are solid. They may feel misunderstood or that their method of communication is insufficient, but over time, these people become skilled at arguing, communicating, and listening.

℞ ♀︎: Those with a retrograde Venus have the opportunity to reflect and think over how they connect with others and how they find beauty in the world. These individual work hard for peace and they make sure that their relationships within themselves and with others are solid. They may feel disconnected or that their method of relating to others is awkward, but over time, these people become skilled at managing relationship dynamics and finding peace within and around them.

℞ ♂︎: Those with a retrograde Mars have the opportunity to recreate their authenticity and reflect over their inevitable differences with others. These individuals work hard to find the true colors in themselves and others and they make sure that conflicts are productive. They may feel volatile or that their approach to conflict is harmful, but over time, these people become skilled at knowing what is worth their time and how to be honest even in difficult times.

℞ ♃: Those with a retrograde Jupiter have the opportunity to reevaluate their talents and reflect over their given blessings. These individuals work hard to stretch their blessings the best way possible and they make sure that they're able to stay present while enjoying life. They may feel they can't relate to certain struggles or that they're privileged in certain aspects, but over time, these people become skilled at recreating needed ease in the world and opening opportunities for themselves and others.

℞ ♄: Those with a retrograde Saturn have the opportunity to reflect over their failures and reevaluate their expectations. These individuals work hard to be the best they can be and they make sure that they remain responsible and honor obligations. They may like their expectations are arbitrary or that they're not fulfilling their goals, but over time, these people become skilled that remaining disciplined during difficult times and knowing their responsibilities.

Now, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto can also go retrograde. However, as generational planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are often retrograde for a long while, and due to this, a retrograde Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto tell a lot more about a generation rather than a single individual.

However, you can use the house placement of generational planets to see how your generation has affected a personal part of your life.

Confessions of an Astrology Student

Getting the right astrological resources is incredibly important. However, getting those right resources will not be the focus today. You can have all the astrological resources you want, but if you're not motivated, it's going to be difficult learning astrology. I think astrology twitter argues a lot about the best sources and the best path to learning astrology. While these conversations are valid and needed, one thing I don't think is talked about enough is the motivation and dedication it takes to study astrology.

Whether you're an astrology enthusiast, student astrologer, or professional astrologer, the one thing we all need to study astrology is motivation. Passion. A reason to study. A hunger to study.

This thread is a confessions thread, right? Okay, let me confess something. I love astrology. So much. So much that I'm a student astrologer wanting to become a professional astrologer. As I'm writing this tweet, I'm putting off a certain astrology course I love very much.

The thing is, I wanted to take this course for years. But once I started to take it, my motivation started to go away. Don't get me wrong though, I love astrology and the course I'm taking. But I had to ask myself: why did the motivation go away?

I thought about astrology twitter and how, if you started your astrological journey online, one thing astrologers who started outside of twitter will not truly understand firsthand is the pressure to be competent - which meant knowing everything about astrology. I thought about how much I felt pressured to KNOW everything about astrology online, because if I didn’t, my content wasn’t going to be taken seriously. It’s silly to think like this now because with astrology, you’ll never know about everything.

There’s a pressure to be performative on social media, and when that pressure is applied to the astrology community, you see people, astrologer or not, trying to reveal all of what they know, and/or trick people into thinking that they know enough to be taken seriously.

This thread is to the young student astrologers who started learning on social media. This thread is to the people who started learning online. People can make fun of us or invalidate us starting online, but they don’t know that we started learning on a battlefield.

Confession: To this day, I still get uncomfortable telling professional or serious astrologers that I started learning astrology on Tumblr. I still fear, to this day, that if I tell people where I learned astrology or expose some of my early work, I'm going to be judged harshly.

I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and assume that most people who judge harshly just want to preserve their craft, which is fine. However, for anyone who's ever made mistakes publicly on an astrology thread, I'm going to say that I'm here for you. Being rude and judgmental to those who are just starting out in astrology is probably the biggest way to kill motivation to study astrology any further. For those who didn't start off astrology on Twitter, getting something wrong feels like a slap to the face, not a gentle nudge.

People who started off learning astrology online do not get the luxury of getting a gentle correction from their instructor. Your mistakes are hidden and forgotten. Ours? Our mistakes aren't forgotten - they're carried as baggage. My point is that those who started off learning astrology online face unique challenges in learning and if the offline astrology community doesn't make an effort to face and help such challenges, the astrology community is going to stay limited and exclusionary.

Learning astrology online is become more prevalent and is becoming a bigger phenomenon. More people are learning about astrology online, thanks to the popularity of astrology apps and astrology in mainstream media. Learning online isn't going away any time soon. Since learning astrology online is becoming such a huge event, the astrology community outside social media can't ignore this nor can they treat online astrological learning as something trivial, low-quality, and useless. It's unhelpful and it doesn't build a welcoming community.

Also, lots of YOUNG people in particular are starting to learn astrology online. When I say young, the oldest I'm talking about is the very end of Pluto of Scorpio. When I say young, I'm saying Pluto in Sagittarius. I'm not saying ALL old astrologers do this, but do you know how annoying it is for older astrologers to INDIRECTLY be like, "You learned astrology on TWITTER? YIKES, CAN'T relate since I had a HIGH quality education OFFLINE in a BOOK!" You don't sound smart. You sound insecure.

I'm personally at a point now on my astrological journey where I'm in both camps. I definitely see the side of those who studied astrologically offline. But I still remember the side where I started - studying online.

I think what gives me hope is that both camps love astrology so much to the point where they don't want to disrespect it. The older camp shows this love by preserving what could be lost in the astrological tradition. The newer camp shows this love by diving in eagerly. In other words, if both camps started to function together as a COMMUNITY and saw the different merits (and kindly pointed out) the flaws of approaching astrology in different ways, not only would we have a solid community, we'd also all be motivated TOGETHER.

The best way to learn astrology is to learn together in a community that lovingly calls for accountability, represents ALL diverse astrologers, and fosters a simulating, yet forgiving learning environment.

Having the motivation to learn on astrology online would be so much easier without: 1. hostile and unhelpful cancel culture 2. indirect clout competitions 3. feeling insecure about your astrological knowledge

So, the next time you want to angrily point out that cusp signs and ophiuchus don’t exist, and that the houses =/= signs to someone who just got their table on Co-Star, just sit down, relax, and remember where you started. Don’t worry, I have to do this too.

Of course, the true mark of a person who started studying astrology online is having an insane sense of discernment on online astrological sources. Do what works for you, and while other people's perspectives are valuable, do what is best for you. It's YOUR astrology.

In a true Libra fashion, I'll end the thread with this: Learn the sweet balance between creating your own personal astrological perspective and honoring the collaborative craft you are participating in with the amazing astrological colleagues around you, astrologer or not.

Defying Societal Norms

♈︎: Aries defies societal norms through encouraging themselves and others to express raw individuality and assertions discouraged in society. Aries dismisses social cues, finding them to be an obligation that only cages them from cultivating themselves.

♉︎: Taurus defies societal norms by encouraging themselves and others to maintain stabilizing self-care, appreciation, love, and indulgence discouraged in society. Taurus dismisses societal justification, finding that the need to prove themselves before indulging is absurd.

♊︎: Gemini defies societal norms through encouraging themselves and others to be curious and learn in such a way that irritates society. Gemini questions the structure of society, using knowledge and conversations to find liberation and empowerment.

♋︎: Cancer defies societal norms through encouraging themselves and others to create their own healthy safe space discouraged in society. Cancer helps us remember that it is okay to feel safe and comfortable in our own skin, and that comfort is the true start to success.

♌︎: Leo defies societal norms through encouraging themselves and others to receive praise and validation. Leo dismisses dishonest modesty, finding that receiving and giving praise and validation is a core human denied to them through societal norms.

♍︎: Virgo defies societal norms through encouraging themselves and others to remain critical of the societal structure which surrounds them. Virgo seeks to enhance the human experience, using organization and analyzing to question the daily norms laid out to us by society.

♎︎: Libra defies societal norms through fighting for peace and justice that often goes against the societal agenda with ample knowledge of social nuances. Libra seeks to assert needed balance into society, eventually reforming the social environment to be empowering and fair.

♏︎: Scorpio defies societal norms by questioning what society finds to be worthy and provoking others to dig deeper into the unknown. Scorpio seeks to expose what is secretive for the sake of not only uncovering the truth, but to find a meaning that combats superficiality.

♐︎: Sagittarius defies societal norms by driving others to be open to other perspectives and to seek for freedom. Sagittarius seeks to find the truth, rather than blindly accept the truth from society without wholeheartedly believing in it with meaningful belief and passion.

♑︎: Capricorn defies societal norms by showing others that they must remain resilient and responsible even though they have to deal with societal hardship. Capricorn seeks to create resilience and timeless strength so that they can power through whatever society throws at them.

♒︎: Aquarius denies societal norms by being able to create and maintain meaningful and continuous progress. Aquarius aims to creatively think and interact meaningfully with others to create lasting and progressive relationships that counteract with society’s shallowness.

♓︎: Pisces denies societal norms by inspiring others to dive into the ambiguous and the unknown. Pisces seeks to find compassion and create the most flexible boundaries so that they could show others that even in a heartless society, love in humanity can be found.

Arrogance: A Mask of Insecurity

In astrology, Saturn is the planet of standards and expectations. With Saturn, we have the potential to grow and succeed after hard, dedicated work, but we could also fail and slump under the pressure of our expectations.

Due to not meeting up to expectations, a person can definitely feel insecure and lack self-confidence.

While insecurity and a lack of self-confidence can be outwardly evident, some people may choose to hide their insecurities with a sense of false superiority and wisdom that is often harmful and unhelpfully criticizing in nature.

The house placement of Saturn in your natal chart can show where this masking arrogance can emerge.

Please note that there are many ways for insecurities to manifest. Arrogance is only one of many ways people can express their insecurity!

♄ 1H: You struggle most with the expectations of identity. You mask your perceived shortcomings by acting as if you are self-assured and self-knowledgeable to the point where you unhealthily place pressure on others to be sure and confident when you lack this quality yourself.

♄ 2H: You struggle most with the expectations of stability. You mask your perceived shortcomings by acting as if you are financially stable and secure within to the point where you unhealthily place pressure on others to get rid of scarcity when you feel scarcity yourself.

♄ 3H: You struggle most with the expectations of communication and your early environment. You mask your perceived shortcomings by acting as if you were popular in your early environment (neighborhood, high school, etc.) and are clear in your words. You masked this success to the point where you unhealthily place pressure on others to be relevant in their early life and to be well-versed when you feel isolated and misunderstood yourself.

♄ 4H: You struggle most with expectations from family and the past. You mask your perceived shortcomings by acting as if your family and past is ideal to the point where you unhealthily place pressure on others to have a healthy family and past when you lack this yourself.

♄ 5H: You struggle most with enjoying yourself and utilizing your creativity. You mask your perceived shortcomings by acting as if you are constantly inspired and happy to the point where you unhealthily place pressure on others to also be happy when you lack this yourself.

♄ 6H: You struggle most with managing your existence and the motions of life. You mask your perceived shortcomings by acting as if you have your life together to the point where you unhealthily place pressure on others to manage their life well when you can't manage yourself.

♄ 7H: You struggle most with your relationships. You mask your perceived shortcomings by acting as if you have successful relationships to the point where you unhealthily place pressure on others to have successful relationships when you lack healthy relationship dynamics.

♄ 8H: You struggle most with losses and power struggles. You mask your perceived shortcomings by acting as if you don't owe or lose anything to anyone to the point where you unhealthily place pressure on others to be more resourceful when you struggle with gathering resources.

♄ 9H: You struggle most with managing your beliefs. You mask your perceived shortcomings by acting as if you are open-minded and secure in your beliefs to the point where you unhealthily place pressure on others to be sure of their beliefs when you're unsure of your own.

♄ 10H: You struggle most with managing your reputation and aspirations. You mask your perceived shortcomings by acting as if you have a clear life direction to the point where you unhealthily place pressure on others to know their path to success when you struggle to know yours.

♄ 11H: You struggle most with feeling relevant and feeling like you belong to a community. You mask your perceived shortcomings by acting as if you are popular to the point where you unhealthily place pressure on others to belong in a group when you personally feel alienated.

♄ 12H: You struggle most with managing yourself in isolation and inner peace. You mask your perceived shortcomings by acting as if you are in peace to the point where you unhealthily place pressure on others to also be peaceful when you struggle to handle your inner turmoil.

Aquarius and Attention

Note: This thread’s my opinion. Take it if you like it. Leave it if you don’t. Thanks!

Aquarius is an air, fixed sign ruled by Saturn. The Sun’s in detriment in Aquarius. Air is an element that can be further broken down into two qualities: hotness and wetness. Hotness shows that the element tends to manifest externally while wetness shows a connective quality. Air tries to be relatable and can be a binding agent in between. A very simple way to think of air is to think of air as “external connections.” This is why air signs are tied to the rational and to communicating. When you communicate, you’re trying to externally connect with someone.

When you’re rational, you’re trying to connect pieces of the environment together to make sense. If you have a system of logic that fits the environment well, you can keep the connection with others. This is why air signs need things to make sense. Aquarius is no exception. But Aquarius isn’t just an air sign, Aquarius is fixed too. Aquarius wants to MAINTAIN and STABILIZE external connections with others so the connections are CONSISTENT. Unlike Gemini and Libra, it’s going to take more than a flirty wink or a fun fact to keep them interested.

This brings me to my first main point: 1. Aquarius wants longevity. Keep this point in mind as I make the rest of my argument.

Speaking of longevity, Saturn, planet of time and quality, rules over Aquarius. People talk about how Aquarius is “detached” all the time and how it’s hard to reach them. Blame Saturn. Saturn adds to my first point: Aquarius wants QUALITY longevity. Finally, the Sun’s in detriment with Aquarius. When a planet is in detriment, the planet struggles to achieve their objective because the archetype of the sign clashes with it. So, what’s the Sun’s objective? The Sun’s objective is this: Look at yourself. Identify yourself.

Now, let’s think about attention. Attention can be positive or negative, but attention will ALWAYS be fleeting. Attention varies in quality, and it doesn’t last long. Attention is everything an Aquarius doesn’t want when it comes to identity building. The case for Aquarius not liking attention is true. Aquarius finds attention to be unhelpful. How are you going to build and maintain long-lasting identity out of something as fleeting and perhaps trivial as attention? Aquarius would argue that you can’t.

However, if Aquarius doesn’t see utility in attention, how and where else will Aquarius construct an identity? If they choose to keep on being skeptical of attention, they won’t have any pieces regardless to build and maintain an identity.

The urgency to have an identity is debatable, but if one argues that one must have an identity to have a clear life path, then an Aquarius has to build an identity quick, as much as they don’t want to. You can’t achieve your dreams until you know who you are.

So the argument for Aquarius wanting and needing attention is true too. As much as Aquarius would like to argue how ineffective attention is, attention is an inevitable beginning to a social interaction. The inevitable beginning to something more. Which is what Aquarius wants.

Aquarius finds attention to be an ineffective building block for creating an identity, but Aquarius also realizes that attention may be the catalyst to find the long-lasting building blocks Aquarius requires to build a consistent identity at all. What IS this long-lasting building block Aquarius is longing for? Deep and meaningful social interactions with others. The witnessing of the other, rather than the other witnessing the self. Identity’s built between the solidarity between many others, rather than within one self.

Planets in detriment always find unconventional ways to defy or express a planet’s objective. The Sun’s objective is to look and identify yourself. Aquarius questions WHERE and HOW to look.

Does having your Sun in detriment make your identity building process harder? Sure. Aquarius is known to be withdrawn. They’re seen as an outcast, hard to reach. This is probably what Aquarius gets for not snatching every opportunity for attention. But that’s okay. At best, Aquarius builds an identity starting with attention that is unshakable and timeless. They are truly self-assured and will have deep social interactions on top of that. At worst, Aquarius doesn’t build an identity because they fool themselves into thinking they don’t need attention, depriving themselves of deep social interactions that eventually makes them arrogant and socially out of touch.

So, does Aquarius want attention? Here’s my answer: I hope they do. Let’s get rid of the narrative that you’re “cool and interesting” because you don’t need attention. Humans are SOCIAL beings, and social interactions start with attention. It’s okay to seek for attention until you rely on it to compensate for your lack of identity building skills. But... you’re not lame if you seek for attention. Honestly, you’re just being human. Aquarius. Let yourself be human.

What You Don't Notice About Yourself and How It Affects You

note: i will be using whole signs houses! also, this will be a thread that requires you to piece two tweets together to make your own interpretation. please know what sign is ruling your 12th house and the lord of your 12th house!

traditional rulerships work best for this thread! here are the traditional rulerships for your reference: sun - leo moon - cancer mercury - gemini + virgo venus - taurus + libra mars - aries + scorpio jupiter - sagittarius + pisces saturn - capricorn + aquarius

♈︎ 12H

Your immaturity and your aggressiveness go unnoticed. It's hard for you to realize when you are being mean and bossy. However, it's also hard for you to notice your passion and leadership qualities. It's difficult for you to quickly accept such positive qualities.

♉︎ 12H

Your stubbornness and need for consistency go unnoticed. It's hard for you to realize when you are being inflexible and scared. However, it's also hard for you to notice your firmness and commitment. It's difficult for you to quickly accept such positive qualities.

♊︎ 12H

Your inconsistency and restlessness go unnoticed. It's hard for you to realize when you are being indecisive. However, it's also hard for you to notice your flexibility and how open-minded you are. It's difficult for you to quickly accept such positive qualities.

♋︎ 12H

Your moodiness and passiveness go unnoticed. It's hard for you to realize when you are being reactive and defensive. However, it's also hard for you to notice your nurturing and understanding qualities. It's difficult for you to quickly accept such positive qualities.

♌︎ 12H

Your dramatic and disingenuous attention-seeking goes unnoticed. It's hard for you to realize when you are being insecure. However, it's also hard for you to notice your charismatic and creative qualities. It's difficult for you to quickly accept such positive qualities.

♍︎ 12H

Your judgmental and critical attitude goes unnoticed. It's hard for you to realize when you are being unsympathetic. However, it's also hard for you to notice your practical and thoughtful qualities. It's difficult for you to quickly accept such positive qualities.

♎︎ 12H

Your passivity and indecisiveness go unnoticed. It's hard for you to realize when you are being inauthentic. However, it's also hard for you to notice your sociable and considerate qualities. It's difficult for you to quickly accept such positive qualities.

♏︎ 12H

Your secretive nature goes unnoticed. It's hard for you to realize when you are being vindictive and bitter. However, it's also hard for you to notice your passionate and disciplined qualities. It's difficult for you to quickly accept such positive qualities.

♐︎ 12H

Your reckless nature goes unnoticed. It's hard for you to realize when you are being inconsiderate and arrogant. However, it's also hard for you to notice your adventurous and intelligent qualities. It's difficult for you to quickly accept such positive qualities.

♑︎ 12H

Your rigid and pessimistic attitude goes unnoticed. It's hard for you to realize when you are being fearful and closed off. However, it's also hard for you to notice your responsible and mature qualities. It's difficult for you to quickly accept such positive qualities.

♒︎ 12H

Your arrogance and aloofness go unnoticed. It's hard for you to realize when you are being withdrawn. However, it's also hard for you to notice your different and progressive ideas. It's difficult for you to quickly accept such positive qualities.

♓︎ 12H

Your impressionable nature and obliviousness go unnoticed. It's hard for you to realize when you are being exploited. However, it's also hard for you to notice your compassion and tolerance. It's difficult for you to quickly accept such positive qualities.

Lord of 12H in 1H: Your unnoticed qualities appear in your self-expression. These qualities ultimately affect how you identify and carry yourself. In this case, it would be easier for you to notice these hidden qualities.

Lord of 12H in 2H: Your unnoticed qualities appear in your spending habits and how you value yourself. These qualities ultimately affect how you stabilize yourself and use your personal resources for better or worse.

Lord of 12H in 3H: Your unnoticed qualities appear in your immediate environment and how you think. Your siblings, neighbors, and classmates can see these qualities. These qualities ultimately affect your preconceptions.

Lord of 12H in 4H: Your unnoticed qualities appear in your past, family, and upbringing. Roommates and family members can see these qualities. These qualities ultimately affect how you determine your safe space.

Lord of 12H in 5H: Your unnoticed qualities appear in your hobbies, casual relationships, and children. Your casual partner and child can see these qualities. These qualities ultimately affect how you enjoy your existence and how you express yourself creatively.

Lord of 12H in 6H: Your unnoticed qualities appear in your lifestyle, work environment, and health. Your coworkers can see these qualities. These qualities ultimately affect how you manage your existence and routine.

Lord of 12H in 7H: Your unnoticed qualities appear in your relationships. People who interact with you one-on-one can see these qualities. These qualities ultimately affect your relationship dynamics and how you can relate to others.

Lord of 12H in 8H: Your unnoticed qualities appear in your power struggles and your losses. Your debtor and debtee can see these qualities. These qualities ultimately affect how you stand your ground against others.

Lord of 12H in 9H: Your unnoticed qualities appear in your beliefs and worldly perspectives. People far from your immediate environment can see these qualities. These qualities ultimately affect how you view and think of the world.

Lord of 12H in 10H: Your unnoticed qualities appear in your ambitions and career. People involved in your career can see these qualities. These qualities ultimately affect how you view your life purpose and go towards your career.

Lord of 12H in 11H: Your unnoticed qualities appear in your communities and friends. Groups of people can see these qualities. These qualities ultimately affect how you view yourself in a group dynamic and the role you play in the groups you belong to.

Lord of 12H in 12H: Your unnoticed qualities only appear to you in solitude. You will only see such qualities when you are ready to be honest with yourself. These qualities ultimately affect your inner sense of peace and who you are behind closed doors.

How to Enjoy Your Existence with Astrology

The 5th House represents fun, joy, creativity, hobbies, and children. Essentially, how you choose to enjoy life is seen through the 5th House. Taking this idea into account, we can see how we can utilize the 5th House to enjoy our existence, whether we chose to exist or not.

This thread was specifically made with quick tips and statements on how you can enjoy your life a bit more. Planets are also really important in this too so be sure to take a look!

Note: Please use Whole Signs

♈︎ 5H

Enjoy your existence by taking charge of your life. Claim authority over what you enjoy. You tend to enjoy activities and hobbies that encourage competition and passion. Becoming independent will ultimately improve the experience of your existence.

♉︎ 5H

Enjoy your existence through indulgence and enjoying what life has to offer. Find what consistently makes you happy. You tend to enjoy activities and hobbies that brings pleasure and stability. Becoming stable will ultimately improve the experience of your existence.

♊︎ 5H

Enjoy your existence through stimulating your mind. Find what effectively grabs your attention. You tend to enjoy activities and hobbies that are mentally engaging and entertaining. Communicating will ultimately improve the experience of your existence.

♋︎ 5H

Enjoy your existence through feeling safe and comfortable. Find what feels familiar to you. You tend to enjoy activities and hobbies that are emotionally stimulating and cozy. Paying attention to your feelings will ultimately improve the experience of your existence.

♌︎ 5H

Enjoy your existence through being charismatic and bright. Find what validates you. You tend to enjoy activities and hobbies that encourage you to be yourself. Embracing yourself will ultimately improve the experience of your existence.

♍︎ 5H

Enjoy your existence through being organized and optimal. Find what brings order and requires attention. You tend to enjoy activities and hobbies that are tedious and mentally demanding. Being observant will ultimately improve the experience of your existence.

♎︎ 5H

Enjoy your existence by seeking balance in your life. Find what connects you to other people. You tend to enjoy activities that require social interaction and connection with others. Being considerate will ultimately improve the experience of your existence.

♏︎ 5H

Enjoy your existence by seeking what empowers you. Find what makes you feel moved and amazed. You tend to enjoy activities and hobbies that require introspection and investigating. Being private will ultimately improve the experience of your existence.

♐︎ 5H

Enjoy your existence by seeking what intrigues you. Find what sparks inspiration and adventure within you. You tend to enjoy activities that are enlightening and exhilarating. Being open-minded will ultimately improve the experience of your existence.

♑︎ 5H

Enjoy your existence by seeking what structures you. Find what brings ambition and responsibility to you. You tend to enjoy activities and hobbies that are difficult, yet rewarding. Being hardworking will ultimately improve the experience of your existence.

♒︎ 5H

Enjoy your existence by seeking what distinguishes you from others. Find what brings novelty to you. You tend to enjoy activities and hobbies that are different and progressive. Embracing your inner differences will ultimately improve the experience of your existence.

♓︎ 5H

Enjoy your existence by seeking what encourages fluidity and acceptance. Find what drives you to be compassionate. You tend to enjoy activities and hobbies that are internally intimate. Embracing possibilities will ultimately improve the experience of your existence.

Astrology and the Type of Coworker You Are

In astrology, you can find the work environment in the 6th House. Coworkers, and the role you can play can be found in this House.

Also, look at the lord of your 6th House! It can show how you became the role that you are in the workplace and what you'd like your work environment to be like.

Note: Use whole signs for this thread, since I'll be using the Ascendant to structure some of my interpretations!

Aries ruling the 6th House: You are a hard-working, independent, and honest worker. When the opportunity arises, you often take on a leadership position and are quick on your feet. However, you can be impatient and can do a rushed job if things don't go your way right away.

Taurus ruling the 6th House: It can be hard for you to get used to the workplace right away, but once you're used to it, you are a very consistent and steadfast worker. You can often take a calming role in the workplace, but you could also be stubborn and stuck in your ways.

Gemini ruling the 6th House: You are a flexible worker, for you are often open-minded to trying new solutions. Communication is extremely important for you in the workplace. However, you need to be mentally stimulated in your job, and you can get bored with your coworkers easily.

Cancer ruling the 6th House: A lot of your work ethic depends on how comfortable you are. In the workplace, you are the person who tends to comfort your other coworkers, whether you want to or not. You can often get pissed off if your work groove gets thrown off.

Leo rules the 6th House: You like to work for the purpose of being performative with it. You are popular and charismatic to your coworkers, often being encouraging and validating. However, you can be dramatic in the workplace, getting attention whether you want to or not.

Virgo ruling the 6th House: You are always on top of your game at the workplace unless you're freaking out. You are efficient in the workplace, and your coworkers see you as reliable, but nitpicky. You are very observant, noticing everything in the workplace for better or worse.

Libra ruling the 6th House: You help out your coworkers when you can. You value good teamwork in the workplace. You're good at reading customers, and you can remain calm and grounded during conflicts at work. However, you can be passive-aggressive when things are unfair.

Scorpio ruling the 6th House: You tend to be the coworker nobody really knows much about for you don't reveal much about yourself in the workplace. You work best when you are by yourself and when you are investigating new problems in the workplace. You can be intimidating.

Sagittarius ruling the 6th House: You're the entertaining coworker your coworkers worry about. You're probably the best at hiding how you feel in the workplace, for you're good at putting on a good attitude. You'll do anything to get the job done, especially if it's reckless.

Capricorn ruling the 6th House: Your coworkers can either fear or respect you, depending on whether you intimidate them or inspire them to be better. However, behind your skill, you can be critical of yourself, wondering if you're actually doing a good job.

Aquarius ruling the 6th House: You are an extremely proficient and productive worker, but you sometimes feel that your efficiency is what alienates you from your coworkers. You are liked by your coworkers, but you sometimes feel your presence fading in and out of the workplace.

Pisces ruling the 6th House: You are very good at adjusting to your work environment. Due to this, you are quite compassionate and sweet to your coworkers. However, you can feel resentful if you feel that your care is forgotten by your workers. You often problem solve creatively.

Why You Don't Do Self Care, and Why You Should

Disclaimer: Everybody’s personal self-care and mental health is different. You know your personal mental health and self-care approaches best. This thread only aims to help and provide new ideas, inspiration, and insights on self-care. Do what you know is best for you.

The Moon is the planet of nurturing, dictating your gut instinct and how you situate yourself comfortably into the world. Self-care can be defined as your personal method when it comes to healthily situate yourself in a world that promises no guarantees.

However, whether it be due to circumstances or certain people in our lives, it’s difficult for us to take care of ourselves. We can stop ourselves from doing self-care, ultimately harming ourselves when we forget that we deserve to feel comfortable as human beings.

In this thread, I will specifically look into how disharmonious aspects (squares, oppositions, sometimes conjunctions) made to the Moon can determine why one can deny self-care, and from there, I’ll explain why they shouldn’t deny that self-care and care for themselves.

Harsh Sun/Moon aspect: You deny self-care because you feel that your identity will be jeopardized. Do you not trust in the strength of your identity? Do you think you can lose yourself so easily by caring for yourself? Self-care builds your identity. It doesn’t destroy it.

Harsh Moon/Venus aspect: You deny self-care because you fear that you can break your connections with others. You feel as if self-care can make you feel undesirable. Self-care seeks to not only help you value yourself but to also weed out any inauthentic relationships you have.

Harsh Moon/Mercury aspect: You deny self-care because it causes a mental dissonance. You feel that your self-care can threaten the quality of your thoughts and words. Self-care can only help and enhance your message, not threaten it. Trust your mind.

Harsh Moon/Mars aspect: You deny self-care because you think caring for yourself will cause conflict. You feel as if self-care can get in your way when it comes to doing what you want. Conflict is inevitable, and self-care is the best way to prepare yourself.

Harsh Moon/Jupiter aspect: You are much more likely to practice self-sabotage disguised as self-care. You can struggle to know what true self-care is. What is your truth, and how can true self-care get you there? Tools and opportunities can be lethal if you can’t use them well.

Harsh Moon-Saturn aspect: You deny self-care because you don’t think you deserve it. Even if you did, you think that the world will be harsh enough to take that self-care away. What will it take for you to deserve self-care? Are your expectations made out of reality or fear?

Harsh Moon-Uranus aspect: You deny self-care because you feel that you’re too erratic and predictable to care for. You feel as if your self-care will be inconsistent. However, you are always entitled to self-care, no matter how unconventional and different you are.

Harsh Moon-Neptune aspect: You deny self-care because you don’t really know how to start, and how it’ll go. You feel as if your self-care can be ambiguous. There are no strict rules on self-care. As long as you are caring for yourself with healthy limits, you’ll do well.

Harsh Moon-Pluto aspect: You deny self-care because you feel as if self-care can enable destruction and corruption. You think that self-care can make one lose their inner power to control and obsession. However, with self-care, you can never give your inner power and trust away.

Gut Reactions VS Delivery of Reactions

In astrology, we can find out how we generally interact and react to the world based on our Mercury and Moon. Our Moon shows our gut reactions while Mercury can show how we deliver that reaction.


Aries Moon: Your gut reactions are often explosive, impulsive, hard to stop, but also honest. People can struggle to quickly receive your reactions, but they also appreciate how raw your reactions can be. Your reactions show off your emotional need for independence and autonomy.

Taurus Moon: Your gut reactions are stubborn and defensive, but are also stable. Your sense of stability is easily threatened by the fear of the unknown, but with confidence, your reactions aren’t easily swayed by others. Your reactions show off your emotional need for consistency.

Gemini Moon: Your gut reactions are often flaky, inconsistent, and scattered, but can be understood through logic and conversation. People can learn something new from how you react, making your reactions insightful. Your reactions show off your need to speak your mind.

Cancer Moon: Your gut reactions are made out of comfort, and you are skilled in comforting others and yourself. However, people get frustrated with your defensive, hostile reactions when it comes to experiencing new events. Your reactions show off your need for familiarity.

Leo Moon: Your gut reactions are often shaped from your identity, and while your reactions show that you take things personally and even dramatically, your reactions are often likable, genuine, and entertaining to others. Your reactions show off your need to accept yourself.

Virgo Moon: Your gut reactions are often nervous and annoyed, but practical and reasonable. People can often get annoyed by how you can react strongly to small details, but they also appreciate how sharp you are. Your reactions show your need for practicality and efficiency.

Libra Moon: Your gut reactions are fair, well-mannered, and catered to other people. While people appreciate how you are considerate, some people struggle to trust you because it’s hard to find a reaction from you that only comes from yourself. Your reactions show your need for peace.

Scorpio Moon: Your gut reactions are made out of suspicion and an awareness of vulnerability. People can be feel overwhelmed, but amazed by your reactions, for your emotional reactions are often passionate and piercing. Your reactions show your need for power and self-assurance.

Sagittarius Moon: Your gut reactions are made out of optimism and the need for enjoyment. People are entertained by and pleased with your reactions, but they are worried when your reactions mask negative emotions underneath. Your reactions show your need for happiness and discoveries.

Capricorn Moon: Your gut reactions are often made out of responsibility and your harsh perception of reality. People can often appreciate your mature reactions, but can be frustrated when you refuse to take help when you need it. Your reactions show your need for structure and commitment.

Aquarius Moon: Your gut reactions are often made out of your need to belong and to ultimately implement change in the outside world. People can often feel confused when you want to emotionally aid them, but also stay closed off from them. Your reactions show your need for space.

Pisces Moon: Your gut reactions are often deep and ambiguous, making your emotions fascinating, but confusing to others. You are able to understand other people’s emotions well, but they can struggle to understand yours. Your reactions show your need for creativity and compassion.


Aries Mercury: You communicate your reactions passionately, aggressively, and clearly. You often don’t like to complicate your reactions, making your reactions easy to understand. However, your reactions can often be tactless and inconsiderate if people are not ready for it.

Taurus Mercury: You communicate your reactions calmly, slowly, and consistently. You often don’t like to change up your reactions, making your reactions predictable and easy to respond to. However, you don’t react well when you feel forced to change up how you typically react.

Gemini Mercury: You communicate your reactions in a way that’s entertaining and rational. You often don’t like misunderstandings, making your reactions easy to logically understand. However, your reactions can mask your emotional depth, which can make your reactions deceptively simple.

Cancer Mercury: You communicate your reactions in a way that is familiar and comfortable for you. You often don’t like to showcase your reactions, often making your reactions intimate. However, your reactions can often be hostile and aggressive if you feel threatened.

Leo Mercury: You communicate your reactions in a way that is warm and charismatic. You often don’t like to understate your reactions, making your reactions captivating. However, your reactions can be overly dramatic, often exaggerating your real reaction, especially if it’s mundane.

Virgo Mercury: You communicate your reactions in a way that is calculated, practical, and efficient. You often don’t like to waste your time, making your reactions clear and precise. However, your reactions can be overly nervous, often making people uncomfortable and tense.

Libra Mercury: You communicate your reactions in a way that is likable, considerate, and polite. You often don’t like to cause conflict, making your reactions peaceful. However, your reactions can feel overly calculated, often making people wonder if you are hiding your true reaction.

Scorpio Mercury: You communicate your reactions passionately and secretly. You often don’t like triviality, making your reactions meaningful and intentional. However, your reactions can feel overly powerful and harsh, often making it hard for people to fully accept how you react.

Sagittarius Mercury: You communicate your reactions in a way that is adventurous and reckless. You often don’t like limits, making your reactions very expressive. However, your reactions can feel excessive, often making it hard for people to fully grasp the scope of your reaction.

Capricorn Mercury: You communicate your reactions seriously and maturely. You often don’t like irresponsibility, so you often choose your words wisely. However, your reactions can be overly pessimistic and discouraging, often making your reactions disheartening to others.

Aquarius Mercury: You communicate your reactions in a way that is reserved and enigmatic. You often don’t like to be ignored, so your reactions are often unique and hard to miss. However, your reactions can be overly withdrawn, often making your reactions hard to warmly accept.

Pisces Mercury: You communicate your reactions in a way that is creative and complicated. You often don’t like technicality, making your reactions mysterious. However, your reactions can be hard to follow, often making people misunderstand what you truly mean.


The 12th House rules prisons, and in a psychological sense, the 12th House can show how we imprison and limit ourselves, stopping ourselves from improving and showing our talents and potential.

Note: Use Whole Signs!

Aries ruling the 12th: You imprison and limit yourself when you choose to be immature, childish, and selfish. Being inconsiderate of your surroundings can sabotage your stability and consistency. With Mars as the lord of your 12th, destructive conflicts stop you from being your best.

Taurus ruling the 12th: You imprison and limit yourself when you choose to be stubborn and inflexible. Not having the ability to try and learn new things can sabotage your curiosity. With Venus as the lord of your 12th, an inauthentic relationship with yourself stops you from being your best.

Gemini ruling the 12th: You imprison and limit yourself when you do not let yourself mentally rest. Scattered thoughts can sabotage your ability to process your emotions and to situate yourself comfortably. With Mercury as the lord of your 12th, lack of focus stops you from being your best.

Cancer ruling the 12th: You imprison and limit yourself when you choose not to step out of the comfort zone. Your lack of will to confront the unknown can sabotage your ability to situate and grow your identity. With the Moon as your lord of the 12th, complacency from fear stops you from being your best.

Leo ruling the 12th: You imprison and limit yourself when you let arrogance unhealthily interfere with your life. Making everything personal to yourself can sabotage your ability to be efficient and analytical. With the Sun as your lord of the 12th, a sensitive ego stops you from being your best.

Virgo ruling the 12th: You imprison and limit yourself when you let criticisms and judgmental thoughts consume you. Having such negative thoughts can sabotage your ability to be fair to others. With Mercury as your lord of the 12th, overthinking and overly analyzing stops you from being your best.

Libra ruling your 12th: You imprison and limit yourself when you give up your power to other people. Having no regard for yourself can sabotage your ability to be passionate and fixate your secretive inner power. With Venus as the lord of your 12th, how you relate to others stops you from being your best.

Scorpio ruling the 12th: You imprison and limit yourself when you refuse to see hope in the world. Being bitter and vengeful can sabotage your ability to be optimistic and open-minded. With Mars as the lord of your 12th, how you separate yourself from others stops you from being your best.

Sagittarius ruling the 12th: You imprison and limit yourself when you do not take life seriously. Choosing to run away from your responsibilities can sabotage your ability to be mature and successful. With Jupiter as the lord of your 12th, taking life for granted stops you from being your best.

Capricorn ruling the 12th: You imprison and limit yourself when you choose to be pessimistic. Choosing to not rely on others due to a lack of trust can sabotage your ability to keep hope and to bring progress. With Saturn as the lord of your 12th, your expectations stop you from being your best.

Aquarius ruling the 12th: You imprison and limit yourself when you choose to exclude the mysterious. Sticking to a limiting notion of progress in the world can sabotage your ability to love and embrace the world as is. With Saturn as the lord of your 12th, your inflexibility stops you from being your best.

Pisces ruling the 12th: You imprison and limit yourself when you choose to not have a clear direction in your life. Not completely owning yourself can sabotage your assertiveness and courage. With Jupiter as the lord of your 12th, using ambiguity to avoid life stops you from being your best. 

IC: Your Origin Story

Note: Use Whole Signs

Aries AC/Cancer IC: You grew up stifled due to being told to stay in the comfort zone. You were taught to stick to what you always knew, stay safe, and not take risks. Now, you seek to take risks, be brave, and to be assertive with what you want.

Taurus AC/Leo IC: You grew up learning that gaining attention stabilized your foundation. You were encouraged to be charismatic and to focus on yourself. Now, you know how to seek stabilization without attention, for you truly know that stabilization starts within yourself.

Gemini AC/Virgo IC: You grew up learning that life consisted of a lot of work and attentiveness. You were taught to always work first. Now, you know how to live life playfully, and to communicate well with others rather than overthinking and over-analyzing.

Cancer AC/Libra IC: You grew up passively to keep the peace. You were taught to always be polite, well-mannered, and considerate. Now, you seek for your own comfort and familiarity, and realize that emotional comfort creates stronger bonds rather than just following social cues.

Leo AC/Scorpio IC: As you grew up, you were told to stay in the shadows and keep the secrets. You were taught that the world was dark. Now, you seek to illuminate your own light to the world, for you are able to handle any inevitable shadows coming your way.

Virgo AC/Sagittarius IC: You grew up exposed to the grandness of the world. The world was overwhelming, and it was hard to take root. Now, you seek to not miss a detail, for this is how you’ve learned to truly appreciate the world for what it is. Quality management is a priority.

Libra AC/Capricorn IC: You grew up quickly due to being exposed to the harsh, somber state of the world. Now, you seek to soften the harshness of reality by trying to create relationships with others so that nobody would ever have to face the world alone.

Scorpio AC/Aquarius IC: You grew up feeling alienated from the world. It felt as if you had to convince others you had power. Now, you realize that receiving and feeling such powers is a personal, intimate matter within yourself that will not require an arbitrary outside opinion.

Sagittarius AC/Pisces IC: You grew up in ambiguity with little to no grounding. Now, you have learned that as long as ambiguity is inevitable, so is opportunity. You explore the world freely, without a care about where you’re going because ultimately, you’ll be just fine.

Capricorn AC/Aries IC: You grew up quickly encountering conflict, aggression, and immaturity. The world was a battlefield. Facing conflict has helped you gain tougher skin, and you have realized that maturity and responsibility, not brute force, is the way to gain true power.

Aquarius AC/Taurus IC: You grew up encountering stagnancy and stubbornness. Being trapped in complacency has urged you to be the change, and you realize that one must always go out of the comfort zone if they want to truly create anything lasting and meaningful.

Pisces AC/Gemini IC: When you grew up, you were given the assumption that life has a certain logic and rationality. However, you witnessed inconsistencies, you eventually accept such inconsistencies, for you realize that the unknown is an inevitable part of life.

Improving your Life with your Partner

With healthy relationships, there are always expectations that your partner should improve your life for the better. With astrology, you can find which areas of life you most highly prioritize when it comes to your relationships. Venus covers relationships, and finding which houses Venus is the lord for can show which areas of life you seek for improvement most with your partner. If you’re single, you can look to see expectations you can possess for future relationships.

Since Venus rules over Taurus and Libra, Venus will be the lord for two of your houses.

Note: Use whole sign houses!

Aries Rising: Venus will be the lord for your 2nd and 7th House. You expect your partner to improve your self-esteem and how you generally try to handle relationships. Your partner should be able to help you preserve your inner security and better conduct yourself in social situations.

Taurus Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 1st and 6th House. You expect your partner to solidify your identity and improve the daily workings of your life. Your partner should be able to make sure that you’re sure of yourself and be reliable when it comes to your daily routine.

Gemini Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 12th and 5th House. You expect your partner to help you indulge in silent solitude and have you partake in life’s pleasures. Your partner should be able to help you embrace solitude and inspire and bring creativity to your life.

Cancer Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 11th and 4th House. You expect your partner to have good relations with your friends and give you a peaceful safe space. Your partner should be able to help you further stabilize your friendships and bring balance to your home life.

Leo Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 10th and 3rd House. You expect your partner to let you speak your truth and show you off to the world. Your partner should be able to help you achieve your career goals and should let you feel at peace for speaking your mind.

Virgo Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 9th and 2nd House. You expect your partner to share similar worldviews as you and improve your self-esteem. Your partner should be able to help you stand firm with your worldviews and help you initiate a fair sense of self-esteem.

Libra Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 1st and 8th House. You expect your partner to improve your identity, seen and unseen. Your partner should be able to bring peace to knowing who you are and also bring stability to how you conceal yourself to others.

Scorpio Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 12th and 7th House. You expect your partner to help you embrace solitude and better handle social situations. Your partner should be able to help you bring inner peace and solidify the important relationships that matter to you.

Sagittarius Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 11th House and 6th House. You expect your partner to have good relations with your friends and give you an enhanced daily life. Your partner should be able to bring peace to your relationships and stabilize your daily routine.

Capricorn Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 10th House and 5th House. You expect your partner to help you achieve your career goals and also help you enjoy life. Your partner should be able to bring peace to your career and guarantee your enjoyment of life.

Aquarius Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 9th House and 4th House. You expect your partner to enhance your worldview and safe space. Your partner should be able to bring peace to your thoughts on the world and stabilize your living situation.

Pisces Rising: Venus will be the lord of your 8th House and 3rd House. You expect your partner to enhance your secret self and quality of thought. Your partner should be able to bring peace to your secret self and help you preserve your thoughts and voice.

Jupiter: Blessings and What You Take for Granted

In natal astrology, Jupiter shows easy opportunities for strengths and talents to emerge for the individual. Jupiter captures the human desire to expand, grow, and inspire. However, with the ease and fun one can have with inspiration, we can take such inspirations for granted, not realizing that not everyone can easily express such talents and gifts. While the house position of Jupiter can show where we can easily grow and inspire others, it also shows where we forget the reality that while blessings are present, so is struggle and trouble. To forget such troubles and assume the absences of those troubles due to your abilities is to take them for granted.


Jupiter in the 1st House: You are blessed with the ability to express yourself and to expand on your identity. However, you forget that others can struggle to express themselves. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of self-expression.

Jupiter in the 2nd House: You are blessed with the ability to possess an intimate relationship and security within yourself. However, you forget that others can struggle to embrace themselves. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of self-acceptance.

Jupiter in the 3rd House: You are blessed with the ability to communicate and expand on your ideas. However, you forget that others can struggle to speak their mind. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of controlling language.

Jupiter in the 4th House: You are blessed with the ability to understand and designate your personal safe space. However, you forget that others can struggle to feel and accept comfort. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of finding one’s sense of home.

Jupiter in the 5th House: You are blessed with the ability to expand on your creativity and enjoy the pleasures of life. However, you forget that others can struggle with creative blocks. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of possessing happiness.

Jupiter in the 6th House: You are blessed with the ability to navigate daily workings of your life smoothly with good habits. However, you forget that others can struggle with daily life. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of going through the details of human life.

Jupiter in the 7th House: You are blessed with the ability to form and expand your relationships with others. However, you forget that others can struggle to relate and connect to others. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of connecting with the other.

Jupiter in the 8th House: You are blessed with the ability to manage secrecy and intimacy. However, you forget that others can struggle with power management. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of gaining and maintaining power.

Jupiter in the 9th House: You are blessed with the ability to express and expand on your world views. However, you forget that others can struggle with handling various worldly perspectives. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of holding beliefs.

Jupiter in the 10th House: You are blessed with the ability of knowing and expanding upon your ambitions and reputation. However, you forget that others can struggle with finding what they aspire to be. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of working towards success.

Jupiter in the 11th House: You are blessed with the ability of knowing where and how to belong in a group. However, you forget that others can feel alienated. To best harness your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle of loneliness.

Jupiter in the 12th House: You are blessed with the ability of embracing and expanding inevitable isolation. However, you forget that others can feel unsettled and hurt through isolation. To best understand your talents and abilities, you need to understand the struggle for one to embrace inevitable solitude.

Questions We Ask With Squares in the Natal Chart

note: this thread looks at the relationships between the houses squared planets are usually in. it’s probably most effective to check whole signs for this thread.

square located at the 1st and 4th house: should i proceed doing what i consciously want or do what i’ve always been comfortable with?

square located at the 1st and 10th house: should i proceed doing what i consciously want or do i want to work for what’s best in the future?

square located at the 2nd and 5th house: should i settle with what grounds me or go have fun?

square located at the 2nd house and 11th house: should i settle with what grounds me or do what everybody else wants me to do?

square located at the 3rd house and 6th house: should i implement what i’ve recently learned or stick with my schedule?

square located at the 3rd house and 12th house: should i implement what i’ve learned recently or listen to my intuition?

square located at the 4th house and 7th house: should i listen to my family or to my partner?

square located at the 5th house and 8th house: should i enjoy myself or hide myself?

square located at the 6th house and 9th house: should i follow my habits or follow my beliefs?

square located at the 7th house and 10th house: should i listen to others or go for my ambitions?

square located at 8th house and 11th house: should i keep myself hidden or work to belong with others?

square located at the 9th house and 12th house: should i travel the world or travel within myself?

another note: this is just one out of many series of questions you can ask yourself when you look at your natal chart. the planets involved and the signs ruling your houses also definitely matter!

Fear in the Natal Chart

In the natal chart, both Saturn and Pluto can show fear. However, the two planets can show fear in different ways. For Saturn, Saturn can show one’s fear of being incompetent due to outside expectations given to them. For Pluto, Pluto can show one’s fear of being dark and corrupted due to the inner potential within them.


Saturn in the 1st House: People with this placement fear expressing themselves improperly. For these people, they received outside expectations on how self-expression should be. It’s hard for these people to learn that sometimes, self-expression does not have rules.

Saturn in the 2nd House: People with this placement fear stabilizing themselves improperly. For these people, they received outside expectations on how valuing themselves should be. It’s hard for these people to learn that sometimes, value is created from within.

Saturn in the 3rd House: People with this placement fear having and saying the wrong words and thoughts. For these people, they received outside rules on how to talk and think. It’s hard for these people to learn that they have the right to create their own voice.

Saturn in the 4th House: People with this placement fear not having a proper sense of home. For these people, they received outside expectations on how to root themselves. It’s hard for these people to learn that their safe space is their own to create and feel.

Saturn in the 5th House: People with this placement fear not experiencing proper happiness. For these people, they received outside expectations on how to enjoy themselves. It’s hard for these people to learn that joy and creativity come from themselves rather than rules.

Saturn in the 6th House: People with this placement fear not handling life circumstances properly. For these people, they received outside expectations on what an everyday life should look like. It’s hard for these people to learn that they can work to create their own routine.

Saturn in the 7th House: People with this placement fear dysfunctional social interactions. For these people, they received outside expectations on how a relationship should be. It’s hard for these people to learn that all relationships dynamics are unique.

Saturn in the 8th House: People with this placement fear having their secrets violated. For these people, they received outside expectations on how privacy should be handled. It’s hard for these people to learn that they can implement privacy on their own terms.

Saturn in the 9th House: People with this placement fear having an irresponsible worldview. For these people, they received outside expectations on how they should see the world. It’s hard for these people to learn that they can independently create their own worldview.

Saturn in the 10th House: People with this placement fear having an unclear role in the world. For these people, they received outside expectations on how to assert themselves in the world. It’s hard for these people to learn that one’s role in the world is created by themselves.

Saturn in the 11th House: People with this placement fear not belonging in the world. For these people, they received outside expectations on how to belong. It’s hard for these people to learn that the more one tries to belong, the more one feels alienated.

Saturn in the 12th House: People with this placement fear the parts of themselves they don’t consciously understand. For these people, they received the outside expectation that they have to control themselves entirely. It’s hard for these people to learn and embrace ambiguity.


Pluto in the 1st House: People with this placement fear that their self-expression can be overwhelming. They give themselves secret expectations on how self-expression should manifest. It’s hard for these people to learn that sometimes, self-expression can’t be controlled.

Pluto in the 2nd House: People with this placement fear the uncontrollable effects of self-preservation. They give themselves secret expectations on how to control self-value. It’s hard for these people to learn that sometimes, value can be separated from shame.

Pluto in the 3rd House: People with this placement fear the power of their words. They give themselves secret expectations on how to speak and think. It’s hard for these people to believe that their powerful words and thoughts can be used for empowerment.

Pluto in the 4th House: People with this placement fear the results of having a firm foundation and beginning. They give themselves secret expectations on how to root themselves. It’s hard for these people to embrace the power of creating their own safe space.

Pluto in the 5th House: People with this placement fear the power of their creativity. They give themselves secret expectations on how to enjoy themselves. It’s hard for these people to embrace enjoyment and creating.

Pluto in the 6th House: People with this placement fear the power of controlling everyday circumstances. They give themselves secret expectations on how they should live their daily lives. It’s hard for these people to learn that empowerment comes to them through small details.

Pluto in the 7th House: People with this placement fear the power dynamics inevitable in relationships. They give themselves secret expectations on how to detect certain relational nuances. It’s hard for these people to trust their power found within relationships.

Pluto in the 8th House: People with this placement fear the dynamics of keeping secret information. They give themselves secret expectations on how a secret should be kept and shared. It’s hard for these people to learn that information management can bring empowerment.

Pluto in the 9th House: People with this placement fear the potentially destructive power of their worldview. They give themselves secret expectations on how their philosophies should manifest. It’s hard for these people to embrace their worldview regardless of its effects.

Pluto in the 10th House: People with this placement fear having a dangerous role in the world. They give themselves secret expectations on how their influence should manifest in the world. It’s hard for these people to learn that one’s reputation can’t always be controlled.

Pluto in the 11th House: People with this placement fear the consequences of belonging. They give themselves secret expectations on how they should respond to belonging. It’s hard for these people to learn that one cannot always control their place in a group setting.

Pluto in the 12th House: People with this placement fear the consequences of not entirely knowing themselves. They give themselves secret expectations on how to conduct themselves in private. It’s hard for these people to learn that empowerment can come at unexpected moments.

Cusp Signs: Are They Valid or Not?

Spoiler for those who don't want to read the whole thread: Cusp signs are not valid. However, the mixed energies you are feeling are.

Now, before I invalidate cusp signs... what are cusp signs? Cusp signs are labels used to designate the mixture of neighboring sign energies. Most of the time, I see this being used for Sun signs. For example, you could be a Pisces-Aries cusp, a Taurus-Gemini cusp, etc.

The problem with cusp signs is that it fundamentally works against the workings of astrology. Let me ask you a question: Can a planet be in two places at the same time? If you support cusp signs, you would say yes to this question. Of course, this is not possible.

In astrology, the location of a planet is determined by degrees. If you look over to the Sun glyph, the Sun is currently at 1 degrees Aries. If you play around on Planet Watcher, you will soon realize that the planets can only be in location, and therefore, one SIGN at a time.


If you want to play around on Planet Watcher to see what I'm talking about, here's the link: This is also a GREAT site to look at when it comes to transits by the way. You really get to see how all the planets over time and it's great.

The only time it would be possible for cusp signs to be possible is if we had two planets to designate the space. So if we wanted to make the Gemini-Cancer cusp true, we would need to have one Sun for Gemini, and one for Cancer... We don't have two Suns.

So, if you're wondering where and how to label the neighboring energies you have, check the following: 1. Your Mercury and Venus. Chances are, they're in neighboring signs to your Sun. 2. Check if your Sun's at 29 degrees.

1. With Mercury and Venus being in neighboring signs, it shows that there IS a mix! The mix is just labelled differently and appropriately.

2. If your Sun's at 29 degrees, it's at the anaretic degree. The overlap between signs isn't strict, meaning that there CAN be a blend of energies. Do note though that your Sun would STILL only be in one sign though.

Your Worldview

The 9th House in astrology shows how you discover the world and ultimately, how you attempt to create a relationship with the world. The question you are trying to answer with the 9th House is this: "What is the world?"

The 10th House takes it a step further and asks this: "What do I do in the world?" The 9th House focuses on the discovery of the world and what you make of it. Somehow, in some way, you have to organize the world - essentially, create a worldview.

Aries → 9H: The world is a battlefield, but also a breeding ground for independence and self-assertion. The world is a place where you fight for your authenticity. Mars is the lord of your 9th House, and you use your worldview to externally separate and distinguish yourself.

Taurus → 9H: The world will teach you what will stay consistent and stable after discovering ephemerality. The world is a place where you discover that you must hold your ground. Venus is the lord of your 9th House, and you use your worldview to stabilize your inner connections.

Gemini → 9H: The world will teach you that you will always have the opportunity to learn. The world is a place where you can be flexible to differences, yet question them. Mercury is the lord of your 9th House, and you use your worldview to exchange information with others.

Cancer → 9H: You seek familiarity in the world so that the world cannot surprise you. The world is a place where you can create your boundaries for privacy and safety. The Moon is the lord of your 9th House, and you use your worldview to manage your sensitivities.

Leo → 9H: The world is a stage. Through the beautiful and tragic worldly events, you see parts of yourself echoed in every event. Ultimately, you find and inspire yourself. The Sun is the lord of your 9th House, and you use your worldview to sustain your identity.

Virgo → 9H: The world shows you the practical and the workable. You find the world to be a place to test your rational mechanisms, an opportunity to analyze and think. Mercury is the lord of your 9th House and you use your worldview to organize yourself from within.

Libra → 9H: The world shows you how to socially conduct yourself. Within the world, you discover social nuances and the inevitability of coexistence. Venus is the lord of your 9th House and you use your worldview to initiate peace and justice in the social environment.

Scorpio → 9H: In the world, you discover that things are not always what they seem. There is always a deeper picture, and you are seeking meaning. Mars is the lord of your 9th House and you use your worldview to solidify and justify your place against deception.

Sagittarius → 9H: The world reminds you that you are free. The world is an insightful playground, letting you explore with no strings attached. Jupiter is the lord of your 9th House and you use your worldview

Capricorn → 9H: The world shows you how to handle failure, endings, and responsibility. However, the world helps you cultivate your maturity, strength, and grace. Saturn is the lord of your 9th House and you use your worldview to create your inner critical abilities.

Aquarius → 9H: You discover your potential, yet realize your alienation within the world. The world challenges you, yet you learn to work consistently for progress. Saturn is the lord of your 9th House and you use your worldview to believe in the power of your persistence.

Pisces → 9H: While others try to organize the ambiguity of the world, you find to embrace it instead. The world teaches you to never assume control. Jupiter is the lord of your 9th House and you use your worldview to expand on the inner world you can control: your imagination.

Ephemerality in Astrology

“Life is fleeting. The human being struggles to take control of it, soon learning that one important life skill is learning how to gracefully let go.”

Where Saturn is located in the natal chart shows where one struggles to let go. Saturn aims to structure and build to make structures worth lasting despite the inevitable unpredictability and chaos of life. However, these structures are often swept away due to such circumstances, with nothing remaining. Saturn shows where we struggle to let go.


Saturn in the 1st House: You struggle to let go of your constructed identity. You worked hard to create a consistent identity, only to find that you are a human being with changing, fluid identities.

Saturn in the 2nd House: You struggle to let go of your constructed sense of stability. You worked hard to create consistent stability within yourself, only to find that instability is inevitable.

Saturn in the 3rd House: You struggle to let go of your words and thoughts. You worked hard to know everything and to be intelligent, but you will always learn something new and be ignorant in some areas.

Saturn in the 4th House: You struggle to let go of your origin. You worked hard to keep your past and family, only to realize that you will have to uproot yourself many times until you finally feel comfortable in your own skin.

Saturn in the 5th House: You struggle to let go of your happiness. You worked hard to be happy and inspired, only to realize that sadness and holdbacks are inevitable in life.

Saturn in the 6th House: You struggle to let go of your habits. You worked hard to get through the daily motions of life, only to realize that even through routine, the daily motions of life are unpredictable.

Saturn in the 7th House: You struggle to let go of your relationships. You worked hard to relate and connect to others, only to realize that some relationships are not meant to last.

Saturn in the 8th House: You struggle to let go of your secrets. You worked hard to control yourself and your intimate relationships, only to realize that some secrets about yourself cannot be kept forever.

Saturn in the 9th House: You struggle to let go of your worldview. You worked hard to maintain your image of the world, only to realize that the world is constantly changing and challenging your beliefs.

Saturn in the 10th House: You struggle to let go of your role in the world. You worked hard to find where and how you can contribute to the world, only to realize that such contributions are not always straightforward and clear.

Saturn in the 11th House: You struggle to let go of your friends and sense of community. You worked hard to belong somewhere, only to realize that the feeling of alienation is inevitable due to your uniqueness.

Saturn in the 12th House: You struggle to let go of your conscious attempts to understand the subconscious. You worked hard to control yourself from the inside out, only to realize that there are parts of you that you will still struggle to consciously understand.